LATEST NEWS 2010 & 2011 |
Despite of all circumstances in the year 2011 this year still has been ended with some beautiful showresults and healthresults by the offspring of "Fehér Csavargo"-kennel but also by grandchildren and grandgrandchildren all over the world! Happy and proud to end the year 2011 with some beautiful results and titels:
And ofcourse last but not least: Coby has got her Certificat/Diploma of the E&B education to be a traineejudge. She is now a traineejudge for the breeds Kuvasz, Owczarek Podhalanski, Slovensky Cuvac, Komondor, Mountaindog of Maremmen and Abruzzen and the White Swiss Shepherddog. Everybody congratulations with the beautiful results of the year 2011 !
****** NEW On 5th of December 2011 the puppies of the D-Litter already have become 9 years of age. Congratulations to all families and hopefully they all may enjoy their loveones still for many years! ****** NEW On 1st of December 2011 the results of the X-rays of the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo have come from Ukraine. Imola Írisz has got beautiful results; HD B and ED Free. Fantastic results! ****** NEW On 25th of October 2011 the puppies of the G-litter have become 6 years of age: the males Gandor, Guus, Gyerek Balu, Gyopár Lenzy, Gulyás and the females/bitches Gésa Léany, Gleccser Léany, Gyala, Gyafa, Gyémánt Gésa, Gyöngy Deva, Gyönyöru Kukla and on 24th of October 2011 the puppies of the C-litter have reached the respectable age of 11 years: the males Cartouche, Corak, Csardás, Cimbora Joe and the females/bitches: Cigány Asszony, Csárda, Csenna, Csillag en Csitri. Congratulations to all families and hopefully they all may spend still many time with their loved ones! ****** NEW On Saturday 15th of October and sunday 16th of October 2011 the male Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated the CAC Show of the KFUH (Klub fur Ungarischer Hirtenhunden) and the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund (D). On Saturday he became first in openclass with an Excellent and also he got the point CAC-VDH for the German VDH Championtitel and the point KFUH-CAC which is the point for the KFUH Championtitel. He finally also became Best of Breed (BOB). On Sunday he became second in openclass with an Excellent and he got the reserve point CAC-VDH and the reserve point KFUH-CAC. Again beautiful results. ******
****** NEW On 12th of August 2011 the male Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo got his clearance for the eyeinvestigation ECVO/DOK. He is declared free of all eyediseases. So after receiving the healthresults earlier this year for HD A (Excellent) and ED / OCD and PRA free he now also got his total eyeclearance as well. On 24th of September 2011 still an official judging will follow with the German Kuvaszclub KFUH (= Klub fur Ungarische Hirtenhunden) in Cologne-Pörz will follow and afterwards Ipoly Imre will be available for breeding to the right female/bitch! Again a wonderful result! ******
****** NEW On 22nd of July 2011 the puppies of the B-litter became 13 years of age! Congratulations to the owners of the birthday of the ladies Bajdus Roma and Brásca. Hopefully they still have a long time to spend with their families! ******
****** NEW On 20th of June 2011 the puppies came into this world out of combination of the male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo and the female Eszti Lujza van de Viersenhoeve of the Kuvaszkennel: "van de Viersenhoeve". The litter is: 3 males and 4 females. Mother and her puppies doing great.
****** NEW On 5th of June 2010 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo and all her brothers and sister celebrated their 7th birthday. We congratulate all owners with the birthday of their Kuvasz and hope that they still may have a nice time together! ****** NEW On 4th of June 2011 the male Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated the international show in Neumunster, Germany. Ipoly did again excellent. He took part in the intermediateclass and was rewarded with a first place and an Excellent. He became best male and therefor he was also rewarded with the point CAC-VDH for the German VDH Championship, the point CAC-KFUH for the German KFUH (Klub fur Ungarischer Hirtenhunden) Championtitel and the point CACIB, which is the point for the international FCI Championtitel. He already has 3 points in two countries of the 4 points he needs for this championtitel. Than he had to compete for best of breed and that was against the best female/bitch which was the female/bitch Fehér Cimborák Csalafinta Csitri (Father: Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo) from Germany. Ipoly won and also became Best of Breed (BOB). Great results!
******* NEW On 25th of May 2011 the puppies are born in Kuvaszkennel "Vom Erlenbach" in Germany. 3 Males and 3 females have been born out of combination of the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo and the female/bitchn Luscha. It was her first litter and she did excellent. Mother and puppies are doing great. ******* NEW On 24th of May 2011 all the puppies of our E-litter celebrated their 8th birthday. We congratulate all owners with the birthday of their Kuvasz and hope that they still may have a nice time together! ****** NEW On 17th of May 2011 the echo has confirmed the pregnancy of the female/bith Eszti Lujza van de Viersenhoeve van Kuvaszkennel: "van de Viersenhoeve" which has been mated by our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo on two beautiful springdays. We are looking forward to the newborn ones around 20th of June 2011. *******
Great results! Beautiful pictures at the beach of Ipoly with his Kuvaszfriend Odina during their holidays in Danmark.
******* NEW On 23rd of April 2011 the exame took place in Woudenberg (NL) for the Dutch eduction E&B (‘Dog structure and analysis of movement’). Coby participated this exame and finally passed with excellent result. She is very pleased to have passed this exame because this is for the basis education for judge. Coby may call herselfe trainee judge and therefor she is going to take the next step which is the education for (FCI) Kuvaszjudge, hopefully in the near future! ******* NEW On 18th and 19th of April 2011; two beautiful and sunny days in spring. Between the blossom of the fruittrees our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has mated the female/bitch Eszti Lujza van de Viersenhoeve from Kuvaszkennel: "van de Viersenhoeve". It went all very smootly and perfectly; Harcos was a real charmer! In the beginning a little playing and than the serious work. We are very curious of the puppies of this litter and they will be expected around 20th of June 2011.
******* NEW On 27th of February 2011 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo has participated the international show in Mykolayiv in Ukrain. And again Imola Írisz did great! She participated in the intermediate class and she became first with an Excellent. Also she became Best Female/Bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). Therefor she was rewarded with the points CAC for the Ukrain Championtitel and the point CACIB which is already her fourth point for the International FCI Championtitel. Imola Írisz now has already the 4 points CACIB in 3 different countries (Ukrain, Slowakia and Poland) for kwalifying herselfe for the international titel but she needs to wait until she is the age of 27 months. We are really proud of these fantastic results! ******
******* NEW On 25th of January 2011 we have received fantastic news! This news concernes the official results of the x-rays of the HD (Hips), OCD (shoulders) and ED (Ellbows) of the male Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo. Which have been done half of December in Germany. We are very pleased to announce that the results are as follows:
Ipoly Imre is the second Kuvasz of our I-litter which has investigated on HD, OCD and ED and also has gotten these fantastic free results as his sister, our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo. A beautiful and fantastic result of which we are really very proud ! Ipoly Imre will be available for suitable females/bitches after his official approval for breeding which will take place around September 2011. This approval has to come from the KFUH (Klub fur Ungarischer Hirtenhunden) in Germany. But when you know his sweet charakter, his beautiful showresults and his fantastic healthresults, the approval will not be any problem. Incase you are interested in more information concerning his pedigree, pictures, etc. you can look at our pages: Pedigree Males: "Ipoly Imre", Photo-Albums: "I-litter, born 15th of July 2009" and "Showresults / Titles". ******* NEW On 2nd of January 2011 it has been 3 years ago that our H-litter was born. Also our male Harcos became 3 years today! Therefor we would like to congratulate all families with the third birthday of their white friends. And that they all may stay in our lives for a very long time. Also because of this occasion we have renewed our site of the H-litter: new Lay-out and we also have added several new pictures. We hope you will enjoy looking at our new page of the H-litter! ****** NEW End of December 2010: We want to thank everybody who has visited our website this year and for all the nice mails we have received. Also we want to wish you and your families: Merry Christmas and all the best for 2011 ! Till next year! ******* We are ending the year 2010 with wonderful results which have been achieved by children bred by our kennel but also with grandchildren and grandgrandchildren all over the world. So it has been a very succesfull year for us. Therefor we are very happy and proud to get all these wonderful results and new titels:
******* NEW On 12th of December 2010 our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated their last show of 2010 in Kassel (D). Both participated Junior class for the last time and Izmos was rewarded with the qualification Excellent on the second place with reserve Jeugd-CAC-VDH and reserve Jeugd-CAC-KFUH. Írisz was rewarded with a nice second place and very good. ******* NEW On 28th of November 2010 our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated the biggest international show in the Netherlands; the Winnershow in Amsterdam (NL). The judge for the Kuvasz on this important show was Mr. Péter Harsanyi from Hungary. As well Izmos István as Írisz Jázmin both participated in Junior Class and we were very proud that the judge was very impressed by both young Kuvasz. The male Izmos István was rewarded with a beautiful first place with the qualification Excellent and therefore he was rewarded with the Junior CAC and the titel: "Junior Winner 2010". Also he became reserve Best Male so he also was rewarded with the reserve CAC which give him a full point CAC for the Dutch Championtitel. Because of these fantastic results of today Izmos István became a new "Dutch Junior Champion". Our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin was rewarded also with a beautiful first place with the qualification Excellent and she also was rewarded with the Junior CAC although she already has the titel: "Dutch Junior Champion" and also she was rewarded with the titel: "Junior Winner 2010".
We are very proud of these beautiful results for two of these young Kuvasz ! ******* NEW On 27th of November 2010 it is exactly 15 years ago that our first litter has been born: our A-litter. On this memorable day we got the last healthresult in the mail of our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin. After we already received the fantastic results of her excellent free hips (HD) and the excellent result of free shoulders of OCD. We now have received the results for her ellbows (ED) on which she is also declared free. Which is also excellent! So we are very happy and very proud that our youngest female/bitch has got the following results: Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo: HD A (= excellent) OCD free ED free In the meantime she meets all the regulations for breeding and therefor we plan a first litter with her for the summer / autumn of 2011. More news about our next litter you can see on our pages: "Future Breedingplans" and "Availability Puppies". ******* NEW On 31st of October 2010 the international show in Hannover (D) took place. Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated in Junior class and was rewarded with a beautiful first place and with the kwalification Excellent. Therefor Ipoly Imre also got his third point VDH-Junior-CAC and KFUH-Junior-CAC. And therefor he also became a new "German VDH Junior Champion" and "German KFUH Junior Champion". A fantastic result. ******* NEW On 24th of October 2010 it has been 10 years ago that the puppies of our C-litter were born. This was our first litter of our female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo. On this day still 9 of 10 puppies are alive and have celebrated their 10th birthday. These are the males: Cartouche, Cimbora Joe, Corak and Csardás and the females/bitches Cenna, Cigány Asszony, Csárda, Csillag and Csitri. A very nice and a very joyfull event to obtain such a beautiful age! We would like to congratulate all families with the 10th birthday of their loved ones and we dearly hope they all may enjoy them for still a very long time. Babuschka Fehér Csavargo with her C-litter, October 2000.
******* NEW On 23th of October 2010 the international show in Utrecht (NL) took place. Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated for the first time in Intermediate Class. She was rewarded with a first place and Very Good. Unfortunally she blew up her coat but was having an excellent judgingreport. It was a very good exercise for this young lady. ******* NEW On 19th of October 2010 we received the result of the official OCD (shoulder) investigation in Germany of the taken x-rays of our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo. We are very happy with this excellent result: OCD Free on both shoulders. *******
******* NEW On 16th of October 2010 the national show in Dortmund (D) took place. Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated in Junior class and in contrary to the day before she was rewarded this time with a beautiful first place and the kwalfication Excellent. The judge was very impressed by her although she blew up her coat and still she was having an excellent judgingreport. So Írisz Jázmin got the points for the titel German VDH Junior Champion although she already is a German VDH Junior Champion. Also she got the point for the titel of the organizing club KVD (Kuvasz Verein Deutschland). NEW On 15th of October 2010 one of the two biggest Dogshows in Germany took place, nl. the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund (D). The two brothers Izmos István Fehér Csavargo and Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated in Junior class. Ipoly Imre became second with Very Good.
Also on this day our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated in Junior class and she has been rewarded with a second place and Very Good. *******
NEW On 6th of October 2010 we have received fantastic news! The news in our mailbox concerned the official results of the x-rays of the HD (Hips) of our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo. We are very pleased to announce that the results are as follows:
These are really the best and the highest results for HD you can get in the Netherlands. A beautiful result of which we are really very proud ! ******* NEW On 3rd of October 2010 the Kuvaszspecialty of the Hungarian Kuvaszclub took place in the beautiful Hungarian place Rátót. There were 45 Kuvasz entered on this clubshow.
Best Junior male was the beautiful 14 ˝ months young Hungarian male "Edelény Kerti Ispán". Owener: Mrs. Heike Vajda of Slovakia. Handler: Coby van Kessel (NL). Judged by the well known and Kuvaszspecialist Mr. Péter Hudák from Hungary.
This young male is coming from the well known Hungarian Kuvaszkennel "Edelény Kerti". Also the father of our females/bitches Gyémánt Gésa and Írisz Jázmin are coming from this same kennel so they are family. All the results and also lots of pictures will be publiced very soon on our website. ******* On 25th of September 2010 our bitch/female Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated an international show in Maastricht (NL). Both participated in Junior Classe and both did excellent. As well Írisz Jázmin as Izmos István became both first in Junior Class with the highest Kwalification Excellent en both were rewarded with the Junior CAC.
Írisz Jázmin became reserve best bitch/female with the reserve CAC and her brother Izmos István became Best Male with the CAC. This is the point for the adult Dutch Championtitel. Izmos István got his second point for Dutch Junior Champion. Again fantastic results for both young dogs! ******* On 24th of September 2010 the male Frodo Serégon Fehér Csavargo have participated the shows in Helena (Montana) (USA). Frodo became "Winners Dogs" and "Best of Winners". Afterwards he also became "Best of Opposite Sex". Because of this win he won his last points for his defintive titel: "American Champion". Also his halfsister Csitri Fehér Csavargo and their mother Babuschka Fehér Csavargo also have got this titel in the past. Another wonderful result. ******* On 19th of September 2010 the female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated the Kuvasspecialty of the German Kuvaszclub: Kuvasz Verein Deutschland (KVD) in Wilnsdorf (D). Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo & Izmos István Fehér Csavargo Both participate Junior class. Írisz Jázmin became second with an Excellent and also she got the reserve VDH-J-CAC and reserve KVD-J-CAC. Her brother Izmos István got a well deserved first place with the qualification Excellent. He got the points VDH-J-CAC and KVD-J-CAC for the Championtitels for German Junior Champion and KVD Clubchampion.
Izmos István was invited back into the ring for best Junior of the Show later on the day. So the judge choose for Izmos István to be the best Junior of the day and so he also got the titel: "Vereins Jugendsieger KVD 2010", which means in English: "Club Junior Champion KVD 2010".
Izmos István Fehér Csavargo, 1 Excellent, Best Junior of the Show & "Vereins Jugendsieger KVD 2010" ******* On 11th of September 2010 we have visited the male Igezö Ipor Fehér Csavargo in the beautiful place at the Belgium coast: Zeebrugge-Bad, which lies directly at the Nortsea. So we took his sister Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and his halfbrother Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo with us. We were very lucky because the weather was beautiful for the time of year en we all enjoyed the fantastic beachwalks and the company of the dogs and eachother. It was a very pleasant and enjoyable day to remember.
Igezö Ipor Fehér Csavargo
Left: Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo & on the right: Igezö Ipor Fehér Csavargo
On the left: Igezö Ipor Fehér Csavargo & on the right: Írisz Jázmin & Igezö Ipor Fehér Csavargo
On the left: Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo & on the right: Írisz Jázmin & Igezö Ipor Fehér Csavargo ******* On 5th of September 2010 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo has participated the national show in the city Belgorod in Russia. She participated in Junior Class and she was rewarded with a first place the kwalifikation Excellent. Imola Írisz got her first Junior-CAC for Russian Junior Champion. On 5th of September 2010 our youngest female Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated an outdoor youngdogshow till 24 months of age at the Kynological Club KC Venray eo. in Oirlo (NL). It was a wonderful day. The weather was beautiful and the atmosphere between all the dogs was fantastic.
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo During this beautiful day all young dogs had to compete more times against each other in different rounds and different rings. There were 4 judges and all judges have looked and touched every single dog with a lot of patience. That was very nice and a very good exercise for all these young dogs. Also every dog got a judgingreport and finally 4 dogs of every class went to the finales of the day. Írisz was rewarded with an excellent and fortunally also she was selected for the finales!
Írisz in the finales. In the finales Írisz became a beautiful third place in the agecategory of 9 till 12 months.
Írisz 3rd in the Group of they agecategory of 9 till 12 months. Írisz already is almost 14 months of age but the youngdogshow was eventualy planned for 11th of July and than Írisz would have still not have been 12 months of age. So they wisely cancelled the show on 11th of July because of the extreme heat at that time. They decided to delay the date till the 5th of September and they also decided to let all young dogs compete in the same agecategories as it would have been on the 11th of July 2010. The 4 judges were all very impressed by our young Írisz and she also had a beautiful judgingreport. It was a very relaxing day and we also have enjoyed this day very much.
Impressions of the day with Írisz and her friends of the Irisch Wolfhounds. ******* On 4th of September 2010 have participated at the international Show in Luxemburg the female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo. Both have participated in Junior class. Írisz got a second place with an Excellent in Junior class.
Izmos István Fehér Csavargo, 1 Excellent, "Junior Champion of Luxemburg" Izmos was rewarded with a beautiful first place and the kwalification Excellent. He was rewarded as best Junior male and also got the title: "Junior Champion of Luxemburg". Furthermore it was worth mentioning that the female/bitch Gala Gyuki (grandmother: Birka Fehér Csavargo) became first in championclass with an Excellent and also Best Female/Bitch. Because of her first place with an Excellent in Championclass she also was rewarded with the title: "Luxemburg Champion". ******* On 29th and 30th of August 2010 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo has participated two international shows in the Crimea in Ukraine. She participated in Junior Class and she did very well. On both days she manged to get a first place with the kwalifikation Excellent. Also Imola Írisz got the Junior-CAC and on both days she became Best of Breed (BOB). In the Ukraine also sometimes the title: "Junior Grand Champion" will be handed over to young dogs who are very promising and who already achieved excellent results on shows. We are very proud to announce that Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo has gotten this title of: "Junior Grand Champion" Well done Imola Írisz and Inesa ! ******* On 30th of August 2010 the female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated the international show in Rotterdam (NL).The male Izmos has participated in Junior class and got the qualification Very Good. The judge his opinion was that Izmos was still full in development. Írisz also participated in Junior class and got a first place with the qualification Excellent and the Junior-CAC and CAC. She also became best female/bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). ******* On 22nd of August 2010 the 13 months young female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her 13 month young brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated the clubshow of the kynologicalclub of KC Dieren eo. in Dieren (NL). The male Izmos has participated in Junior class and got the qualification Very Good. A beautiful result for a male who is still developing.
Our female/bitch Írisz also participated in Junior class and was rewarded with a first place with the qualification Excellent. The judge (which also is a judge of the breed Kuvasz) was very impressed by Írisz. So she also became Best of Breed (BOB) and therefor she was invited to participate later in the afternoon for Best in Group.
The same judge who judged earlier in that morning was also doing the group and so Írisz got her third placement in the group on such a young age. She became a beautiful first place (Best in Group-1 / BIG-1).
******* HIP HIP HOERA 50 000th visitor. on the August 11th, 2010 the 50 000th visitor was on our website. We are very happy and honoured by all the visitors who are interested in our website. And therefore we want to thank everybody very much who has visited our website during the past years. Also we like to thank those people who have send us such a nice mails from time to time! You are always welcome to visit us or send us a mail. Thanks. ******* On 31st of July 2010 the male Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated the international show in Bremen (D). Ipoly was rewarded with again the first place in juniorclass and the qualification Excellent and he also received a beautiful judgingreport. Ipoly got his second point: "VDH-junior-CAC" and also his second point: KFUH-junior-CAC. He needs 3 points for the official titel "German VDH Junior Champion" and also 3 points for the Klubchampiontitel: "KFUH Junior Champion" as well. One more to go! Further was worth mentioning that the best female/bitch and Best of Breed was for the Dutch female/bitch Eszti Lujza (mother Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo). Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo ****** On 22nd of July 2010 it has been 12 years ago that our B-litter came into this world. We congratulate all owners with the birthday of their Kuvasz and hope that they still may have a nice time together! ****** On 3th of July 2010 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo participated the show in Poltava (UA).
Again a beautiful result! ****** On 24th of June 2010 the Worlddogshow in the city Herning of Danmark took place. Over more than 19 thousand (19,000) dogs participated this hugh event, spread over 4 days. Kuvasz from lots of countries took part on this show; Holland (the Netherlands), Belgium, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Ukraine and ofcourse Danmark. It was a fantastic quantity, especially when you keep in mind that Danmark counts less of population of the breed Kuvasz. We were very happy that 3 of our young dogs of 11 months of our I-litter participated this fantastic organizid Worlddogshow. Competition in youthclass was very high and lots of young dogs were competing for the Junior Champion Worlddogtitel. The only 11 month of age Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated in youthclass and was rewarded with a beautiful first place and an Excellent and also he was rewarded with the titel: "Junior Worldchampion 2010".
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo "Junior Worldchampion 2010" The also 11 month young female/bitch and sister of Ipoly Imre: Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo participated youthclass as well and was also rewarded with a beautiful first place and an Excellent and ofcourse also she was rewarded with the titel; "Junior Worldchampion 2010".
Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo "Junior Worldchampion 2010" Imola Írisz was invited to come back in the ring to compete against the best females of intermediate class and openclass for the CAC (point for the Danisch Championjtitel). Imola Írisz was very proud to get the CAC. Our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo only got the qualification Very Good! Unfortunally the judge was not a breedspecialist for the Kuvasz! Further was worth mentioning that the male Allando (import Holland/the Netherlands) from Danmark became second in championclass with an Excellent. Allando's mother is the female/bitch which is bred by us: Birka Fehér Csavargo. A daughter of Allando from the Swedisch kennel: "Sorschies" became best Female/Bitch and also she got the titel: "Worldchampion 2010". She also became Best of Breed (BOB). One day later on 25th of June 2010 another CAC-show was kept in Herning. Imola Írisz became again first in youthclass and her sister Írisz Jázmin became third. Another daughter of the male Allando from the Swedish kennel: "Sorschies", became Best Female/Bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). Beautiful results and congratulations to all Winners! During both days we were looking forward very much to see the female/bitch Imola Írisz again, especially after she left us in November 2009 to live in Ukraine. It was a very happy and pleasant meeting with Imola and her owner Inesa, although we did not speak eachothers language! That was no problem at all. Coby and Ron with Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo A few impressions of our holidays in Hvide Sande on the Westcoast at the Nordsea in Danmark.
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo running around in de dunes. Floriana Fehér Csavargo with her daughter Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo.
Left Floriana Fehér Csavargo and on the right her daughter Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo. Írisz Jázmin with her Bearded Collie friend Goody. Floriana with her daughter Írisz Jázmin. Also we have visited the female/bitch Hajnalka Jázmin Fehér Csavargo in Birkerod (in the neighbourhood of Copenhagen). And on the way back we also have vistited the female/bitch Istennö Ilma Fehér Csavargo in Rendsburg.
Hajnalka Jázmin Fehér Csavargo ****** On 20th of June 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated the Kuvaszspecialty of the German Klub: KFUH (Klub fur Ungarischer Hirtenhunden) in Lich (D). Írisz was rewarded with a first place in youthclass with the kwalification Excellent. Also she got an excellent judgingreport. The judge was very impressed by her and congrataluted with such a beautiful Kuvasz. She got her third certificate for the German youthchampiontitel: VDH-youtch-CAC and also she got her second certificate for the Klubchampiontitel of the organizing Klub: KFUH-youth-CAC. Because Írisz got her third certificate: VDH-youth-CAC she is also a new "German Junior Champion". At the end of the judging of the Kuvasz, Írisz was invited back in the ring for best Kuvasz of the show and Írisz was selected as Best of Breed (BOB). Again a fantastic result for such a young Kuvasz.
****** On 19th of June 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated an international show in Uden (NL). Írisz was rewarded with an excellent and a first place in youthclass. Therefor she got her certificate Youtch-CAC and also the reserve CAC. Also on 19th of June 2010 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo participated a show in Szczecin (Poland). Imola was rewarded with a first place in youthclass with an Excellent. She became Best Junior, Best female/bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). ****** On 15th of June 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos Imre Fehér Csavargo have both received their Diplome for the behaviourcourse Basic II. They have followed classes for this course with our kynological Klub KC Venray e.o. during early March till early June of this year and we were very happy that they both passed the exame on sunday 13th of June. They both received their diplome on the official Diplome-evening on Tuesdayevening 15th of June. Next autumn (early September) they both start with the next behaviourcourse which is called: EG. Well done! ****** On 12th of June 2010 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo has participated a Show in Kharkov (UA).
Another excellent result! ****** On 7th of June 2010 the female Csini has put 4 males into this world. Father of the puppies is our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo. The puppies have been born in Kuvaszkennel: v.d. Jongehindrikhoeve. Birth went excellent and mother and her puppies are doing great. For more information look at our page: "Availability Puppies".
****** On 6th of June 2010 the yearly Kuvaszspeciality of the Dutch Kuvaszclub (KVN) took place in Kerkwijk (NL). There were 36 entries (16 males and 20 females) from Holland and abroad. We participated with our youngest female of 10 ˝ months of age Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and she did very well. The male Havas Jámbor Fehér Csavargo participated in openclass and was rewarded with a second place.
Havas Jámbor Fehér Csavargo
The male Izmos István Fehér Csavargo became first in youthclass and became best youthmale.
Izmos István Fehér Csavargo The 9 ˝ year old male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with a first place and an well deserved Excellent in veteranclass. He was still in topcondition. Also he was rewarded with the Veteran-CAC.
Cartouche Fehér Csavargo Best male became a championmale from Germany and reserve best male went to the beautiful veteranmale Cartouche Fehér Csavargo. So he also was rewarded with the CAC certificate. Because enough dogs have been entered on this Kuvaszspecialty the Best male gets 2 points CAC and the reserve also gets 1 point CAC. Cartouche was not needing this CAC point anymore because he already is a Dutch Champion. Never the less, a really fantastic result for such a male on this age!
Cartouche Fehér Csavargo The female/bitch Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo participated in openclass and was rewarded with an Excellent on the fourth place.
Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo Our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo became first in youthclass with an excellent. Therefor she also was rewarded with the Youth-CAC. Because of this third Youth-CAC Írisz became today a new "Dutch Youthchampion".
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
In veteranclass participated the 9 ˝ year old female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo. She also was still in topcondition. She was rewarded with an excellent on a beautiful second place.
Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo Best female/bitch was a female/bitch from Germany and our Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with the reserve best female/bitch. Írisz also got one CAC certificate for Dutch Champion. This was her third already and because she got a new Dutch Youthchampion she got an other extra one. So now she already has 4 CAC points for her adult Dutch Championtitel.
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo The price for best veteran of the show went to the beautiful 9 ˝ year old male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo. Cartouche Fehér Csavargo Also all young dogs of the show till 24 months had to come back into the ring because there was another price for "Most promising dog of the show". This price went to our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo.
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo Than another price was handed out for best breedinggroup of the show. 3 Groups were present in the ring. The breedinggroup of "Fehér Csavargo" was rewarded with Best Breedinggroup of the Show. Also on the 6th of June 2010 an international show was organized in Neumunster (Germany). The male Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo participated a show for the first time in his life on age of 10 ˝ month and he did fantastic. Ipoly was rewarded with a beautiful first place and an Excellent. The judge was very impressed by him and he also got a beautiful judgingreport. So therefor he was also rewarded with the certificates VDH-youth-CAC and KFUH-youth-CAC. These points are for the German youthchampiontitel (VDH) and also for the Klubchampiontitel of the organizing Klub: KFUH (Klub fur Ungarischer Hirtenhunden). Also worth mentioning was that the best male became the 7 year old Multichampionmale Allando from Danmark (imported from Holland). His mother is Birka Fehér Csavargo. Allando was rewarded with the certificates VDH-CAC, KFUH-CAC and CACIB. Because Allando still needed this last certificate of VDH-CAC he now defenitely became a new "German Champion (VDH) " this rememberable day.
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo Again another beautiful weekend with all these amazing and fantastic results! ****** On 5th of June 2010 our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo have participated an international outdoorshow in Tilburg (Hulten) (NL).
Picture on the left: from left to right: Harcos Lelkes, Írisz Jázmin & Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo. Picture on the right: from left to right: Eszti Lujza & Dasja Arany van de Viersenhoeve, Harcos Lelkes, Írisz Jázmin & Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo and their owners Ron and Steven. Waiting on the judging which still has to come! Left: Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo with her 9 ˝ year old ant Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo on the right. On this rememberable day we have celibrated the 6th birthday of our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo and ofcourse the mother of both our Írisz and Harcos. Never the less, on this international show there were 7 entries (2 males and 5 females/bitches) of Kuvasz although there was a Kuvaszspecialty on the next day. Our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with a first place and an excellent in openclass. He became best male with the certificates of CAC and CACIB. Because of this CAC Harcos became a new "Dutch Champion".
Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo
Our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with a first place and an excellent in youthclass. Therefor she got her second Youth-CAC, which is the point for the Dutch Youthchampiontitel.
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
Írisz had to go back into the ring to compete against the best of the females/bitches in openclass, championclass and veteranclass for Best female/bitch. Írisz became Best female/bitch and was rewarded with the certificate CAC. This is the point for the adult Dutch Championtitel and this is also her second point already for that championship. Than Írisz had to go back into the ring once more to compete against her halfbrother Harcos for Best of Breed. And so Írisz won and became Best of Breed (BOB) for the second time on a big show in her life. Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo, Best of Breed (BOB) Further was worth mentioning that the reserve male Gyerek Gabor (grandmother: Birka Fehér Csavargo) got reserve CAC and the reserve CACIB. And Reserve beste female/bitch teef was the female/bitch of the championclass Dasja Arany (grandfather: Corak Fehér Csavargo). She got reserve CAC and CACIB. She got the CACIB because our Írisz was not allowed to get this certificate because she is still to young for getting CACIB points and this is not allowed to be given to dogs in youthclass. Therefor the female/bitch Dasja Arany got her definitive International Championtitel by getting this last CACIB. The female/bitch Eszti Lujza (mother: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo) became first in openclass with an excellent en got the reserve CACIB. Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with a first place and an excellent in veteranclass. She also was rewarded with her first certificate Veteran-CAC which is the point for the Veteran-Championtitel. She also became best Veteran.
Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo, 9 ˝ years, Best Veteran. Because Írisz became Best of Breed (BOB) earlier on the day she was invited later on the day to compete in the breedinggroup for Best in Group I (FCI). She did amazingly well. Írisz was rewarded under judgement of Mr. John Wauben (NL) with a beautiful third place in the Group (BIG-3). This is really amazing for such a young Kuvasz. It is already amazing that a Kuvasz is placed in the group at all. But at such a young age of only 10 ˝ months! This is really a wonderfull and fantastic result.
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo, 3rd in Group I (FCI) / (BIG-3) Írisz won beside the usual prices also an invitation for the Dutch "Topdog of the Yearshow" in February 2011. Every year this show is kept in de Flint in Amersfoort (NL). This is a special invitation for dogs, which are in ownership of Dutch citizens and is reached out to all best 3 dogs in every group over the whole year 2010. We have had a beautiful sunny and nice day with excellent results. A day we never will forget! ******
****** On 13th of May 2010 our youngest female of almost 10 months of age Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated the national outdoorshow in Arnhem, nl. called the Joe Kat Show. This show only is kept once in the two years for breedingroup I (FCI). A very nice quantity of 9 Kuvaz were entered on this CAC-Show. Our Írisz was rewarded with a first place and Excellent in youthclass with an excellent judgingreport. Because of this first place with the Excellent she was also rewarded with the Jouth CAC-point for the Dutch youthchampiontitel. Than she had to come back in the ring for competing for Best Female/Bitch. Írisz became Best Female/Bitch and had to come back into the ring for Best of Breed. Írisz also won from the Best Male and for the first time in her young life she became Best of Breed (BOB).
Our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with a second place and an Excellent in Openclass. The male Izmos István Fehér Csavargo was rewarded with a first place and an Excellent in youthclass. Also Izmos earned his first youth CAC-point for the Dutch youthchampiontitel. Also he became Reserve Best Male so he also got his first 1/4 CAC-point for the final Dutch Championtitel.
Fantastic results for brother Izmos and sister Írisz on such a young age !
Best male was the male Gyerek Gabor (grandmother: Birka Fehér Csavargo). Because he was rewarded with the CAC he became a new Dutch Champion on this Show.
Impressions of the Joe Kat Show. On the pictures Írisz, Izmos and Harcos with owners.
All Kuvasz which have been showed on the Joe Kat Show.
Also nice to mention is that since years on the front of the Catalog of the Joe Kat Show you can seen our Multi Championfemale Babuschka Fehér Csavargo between all the breeds which can be expected on this show. Ofcourse Babuschka is the grandmother of as well our female/bitch Írisz as from our male Harcos but also afcourse of the male Izmos.
****** On 8th of May 2010 our female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated de biggest German Europasiegershow in Dortmund. Írisz was qualified with a first place in youthclass with an Excellent and a beautiful judgingreport. She has been rewarded with the points VDH-JCAC and KVD-JCAC and these are the points for the German VDH youthchampiontitel and for the youthchampiontitel of the organizing Club; nl. Kuvasz Verein Deutschland (KVD). Also Írisz was rewarded with the Titel: "Europajugendsiegerin 2010". The Europasiegertitel and therefor also Best Female/Bitch was the Female/Bitch Eszti Lujza (mother: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo). Reserve Best Female/Bitch was Dasja Arany (grandfather: Corak Fehér Csavargo).
****** On 6th of May 2010 the vetrinarian has confirmed that the female Csinuska is definitely pregnant from our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo. So Harcos wil be a father for the first time. The puppies wil be expected by a fellow breeder: Kuvaszkennel: v.d. Jongehindrikhoeve around 7th of June 2010. Pictures and more information about this litter you can find on our page: "Future/Breedingplans". ******* On 1st of May 2010 the female/bitch Dasja Arany (Grandfather: Corak Fehér Csavargo) has participated an international show in Antwerpen (Belgium). She became first in openclass with an Excellent and became best female with CAC and CACIB. Also she won from the male and became Best of Breed. In the group (FCI groupe I) she also became fifth in the group. ****** On 24th of April 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated the international show in Lingen (Germany). She became first in youthclass with the qualification Very Good and she also got a beautiful judgingreport. The judge praised her for her breedtype, head, expression, how she is build and also her excellent coatquality and condition. It were lots of new impressions for Írisz and therefor it was again a very good experience for her. ****** On 17th and 18th of April 2010 the 9 month young female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo participated on both days two international shows in Kiev (Ukraine). She competed for the first time on both days in youthclass and she did really amazing! Imola Írisz was qualified and rewarded both days with a first place and an Excellent. On sunday she also got her first Youth-CAC and also became Best of Breed (BOB). A fantastic result for such a young female/bitch!
****** On 17th of April 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo and her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo have participated an international show in Goes (NL). Írisz as well as her brother Izmos were competing for the first time in youthclass and both got qualified and rewarded with a Very Good. The judge found Izmos already a beautiful young male but he also found that Izmos had to grow up more and needed a little bit more time to do so. In contrary to our female/bitch Írisz. The judge found her the most beautiful Kuvasz he had seen the whole day and wanted to reward her with Best of Breed (BOB) but unfortunally Írisz did not wanted him to touch her at all ! So unfortunally he could not give her more than the qualification Very Good. Anyhow, as well Izmos as Írisz got both a beautiful judging report. So Írisz is not only a beautiful breedtypical Kuvasz but she also has the breedtypical Karakter!
Izmos István Fehér Csavargo
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
Also worth mentioning was that on this show also another brother and sister were competing in openclass; the male Gabor Gyerek and the female/bitch Gyala Gyuki. Grandmother of both is our selfbred female/bitch: Birka Fehér Csavargo. Gabor Gyerek became Best Male and got his CAC and CACIB. The female/bitch Gyala Gyuki became Best Bitch and also CAC and CACIB. She finally became Best of Breed (BOB). Both became new Dutch Champions because they were both rewarded with their last CAC. After this show we have vistited the fantastic beach in Vlissingen. Unfortunally most beaches in Vlissingen were closed for dogs from 15th of April onwards but we found this beautiful Zwanenburgbeach on which dogs are welcome the whole year! It was a super afteroon. The wether was sunny and beautiful for the time of year. Írisz and Izmos did have the time of their lives. And we too ofcourse. Below you will find a couple of impressions of that afternoon:
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
Izmos István Fehér Csavargo
****** On 6th, 7th and 8th of April 2010 our male Harcos Fehér Csavargo has mated the female/bitch Csinuska from a fellow breeder: Kuvaszkennel: v.d. Jongehindrikhoeve. Puppies will be expected around 7th of June 2010. For more information about this combination, pictures and pedigree you will find on our page: Future / Planning. ****** On 5th of April 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated the biggest international oneday show in Holland which is the Easternshow in Leeuwarden (NL); 2300 dogs of 240 breeds were present on one day. This was the last time that Írisz competed in puppyclass, which is from 6 till 9 months, because in the meantime she already has become 8 ˝ months of age. The judge (breedspecialist) rewarded her and her exact words were: "With lots of joy I give her the highest qualification "Very Promising" and so she also became Best Puppy. The judge was totally impressed by her so she also got an excellent judgingreport. Therefore she was invited for the ring of honour later on the day for competing for Best Puppy of the Show. So Írisz was selected among 15 others from a hugh amount of puppies on that day to compete for Best Puppy of the day. Again this was an beautiful result. ****** On 6th of March 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated a hugh international Show in Groningen (NL). She was entered in puppyclass which is from 6 till 9 months of age. Írisz was rewarded from the judge (breedspecialist) with the highest qualification "Very Promising" and also became Best Puppy. The judge was very impressed by her so she also got a beautiful judgingreport. At the end of the day Írisz was invited for the ring of honour for all best puppies of the day. Only 5 were picked out and fortunally Írisz was one of these 5. Again an excellent result! Also worth mentioning was that on this show also twee females/bitches did excellent; the female/bitch Gyala Gyuki (grandmother: Birka Fehér Csavargo) became second with an Excellent and also was rewarded with the reserve CAC and reserve CACIB. The female/bitch: Dasja Arany (grandfather: Corak Fehér Csavargo) became first with an Excellent and she was rewarded with the CAC and the CACIB. She also was Best Female/Bitch and because she won from the Best Male she also became Best of Breed (BOB). Because of this CAC Dasja Arany also has become a new Dutch Champion! ****** On 28th of February 2010 our youngest female Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated a clubshow of Kynologicalclub KC de Peel in Asten (NL). She participated the puppyclass from 6 till 9 months. The judge (breedspecialist for the breed Kuvasz) was very impressed by her and she was qualified with the highest reward: "Very Promising" and also became Best Puppy and with a beautiful judgingreport. Later on the day she was invited to the ring of honour, in which all Best Puppies of all Breeds were present. Only 3 puppies were placed and we were very happy and proud that our Írisz became 3rd Best Puppy of the Show. An excellent result. ****** On the 21st of February 2010 we organised our puppy meeting for all the puppies from our I-litter, born 15 July 2009, and their families. Three families already arrived the day before, together with their puppies, because they had to come from far away. On sunday a wonderful number of 8 puppies met; the males: Argos, Ibor, Ipoly, Ipor, Izmos, and the females: Ilka, Írisz and Sophie. Their mother, Floriana, was of course, also present. The weather 'gods' were good to us because, considering the circumstances, it was very nice and dry weather for the time of year. Between 10.30 and 11.00 am all the puppies, who in the mean time had developed into young dogs, reunited at their place of birth at Feher Csavargo, to get re-aquainted with each other. The mother, Floriana, made it quite clear, as each puppy entered, that she was still in charge. It was a special sight both for us and the owners, because most of them couldnt work out which one of them was their dog between the playful rascals. This was very amusing. After a cosy break with coffee and tea, and of course 'Limburgse Vlaai' (a speciality from the dutch province of limburg) at the Feher Csavargo residence, we headed for the 'Reindersmeer' a few minutes drive away. This is one of the truly beautiful areas of nature that you can find here to exercise the dogs. The ponds and fens were frozen over and it was great to see the young dogs crossing the ice fearlessly. This, much to the fright of their owners. So we decided to go and walk near the fens because they were not so deep just incase one of the dogs should fall through the ice. Fortunately, this didn't happen. All went really well, even when other dogs, off the leash, came into the young Kuvasz pack. Many ramblers were very surprised to see the white rascals moving about freely without any problems. A lot of people enquired at what for breed it was and people were interested to hear that it was a puppy meeting in which the mother was re-united with her offspring. After this walk we returned to the Feher Csavargo residence where everyone could enjoy a great big pan of homemade tomato soup with crusty bread and herb butter, followed by homemade hungarian beef goulash with rice. Talking over the dogs and the days events and satisfied with a great day, the first families set out for home at 4pm, because some families had a long journey ahead. The last left at about 8 pm and everyone could enjoy the memories of a wonderful, successful day. It was certainly a day to remember. There were a lot of photo's taken of this great puppy meeting and hopefully these can be admired the coming week on our site: I-litter, born 15th July 2009 In the meantime here's the first photo: ****** On 13th and 14th of February 2010 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo participated two shows in Kharkov (Oekraďne). She became two days on a row first with the highest reward: "Very Promising" and "Best Puppy". ****** On 11th, 12th and 13th of Februar 2010 the male Frodo Séregon Fehér Csavargo participated shows in Denver (Colorado) USA. On all three days he became first in Openclass and "Winners dog" and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS). On the 11th and 13th of February he also was rewarded with "Best of Winners". ****** On 5th of February 2010 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated a hugh international Show in Eindhoven (NL). On age of 6 ˝ months of age she participated in puppyclass from 6 till 9 months. The judge, who was a breedspecialist, gave Írisz the highest reward she could give a puppy: "Very Promising". Also she became best puppy. She was having a beautiful judgerapport on which the judge says that Írisz is a female/bitch of excellent type and with a gorgious femalehead. A wonderful and fantastic result! ****** during the weekend of the 30th and the 31st of January 2010 some offspring of our kennel have acheaved some wonderful results on two shows in the USA and Danmark. The male Cezar Harcos (mother: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo) has participated a show on 30th of January 2010 in St. Louis (Missouri) in the USA. He managed to get his last and final major on that show and has become a new American Champion. On the 31st of January the championfemale/bitch Angalka Aliz (father: Corak Fehér Csavargo) has participated an international show in Danmark in Fredericia. She managed to get her last and final CACIB and she has become a new Interantional Champion. Not only that but on this same show she also managed to get her Danish Championtitel as well. She got best female/bitch (BOS). On this same show the championmale Allando (mother Birka Fehér Csavargo) became Best Male and Best of Breed (BOB). Fantastic results and congratulations to all owners! ****** On 23rd of January 2010 our 6 months and 1 week young female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated a clubshow of kynological club KV Waalwijk e.o. (NL) for the first time in puppyclass (6 till 9 months). The judge gave Írisz the highest reward: "Very Promising" and on all parts she got an excellent: Head, Bite, Expression, Confirmation, Movement, Coat, Temperament, Ringbehaviour and general condition. It was a very good practice for Írisz and we are very satisfy about the result. ****** January 2010: more fantastic news the beginning of 2010 has come in. We are very pleased with the official free results for the x-rays of the hips and elbows of our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo). Harcos has been rewarded with HD A for his hips which is "Excellent" and ED free for his elbows on all parts: OCD, LPC, LPA and Inc. Both rewards, as well for the hips as the elbows, are the highest rewards you get can get. We are pleased with this fantastic news! Harcos is now available for breeding to suitable females/bitches. ****** January 2010: the first fantastic news for 2010: we are very happy that we have found a new home for Feligno. Hopefully he can stay there and have lots of fun with his new owners and other companions. ****** December 2009: in the monthly Dutch dogmagazine "Hondenmanieren" of January 2010 an interview has been published with Ron and also a picture of Ron with our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. The interview and the picture have been taken a couple of months ago during his dayly walk with one of our dogs. This time in the beautiful area around the "Reindersmeer" in our neighbourhood. At that time also some people were walking over there and their intention was to interview walkers with a special dog. The article has been written by Mrs. Cela den Biesen and she was walking over there with her friend and her Norway Buhund Skip.
****** For more News of the years 2002 till 2009 look at the below Link: Years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 * * * * * |