On Sunday 30th
of August 2015 the international Beneluxwinner took
place in Luxemburg. The male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo participated
and did terrific.
Jármos Jákó
participated in Championclass and was rewarded with a
first place with an Excellent. He became Best Male and
was rewarded with the points CACL and CACIB and the
"Beneluxwinner 2015" (Luxemburg)
Because of the reward of this CACL
Jármos Jákó
has been rewarded with the definitive title of
Luxemburg Champoin |
8th of July 2015 it already has been
years ago that the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
has been born
and also the J-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Jármos Jákó
celibrated his birthday
with his
Írisz Jázmin
and his grandmother
and his
new Teckelfriend
15th of July 2015 it already has been
years ago that the female
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
has been born
and also the I-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Írisz Jázmin
celibrated her birthday
with her
and her son
Jármos Jákó
and her
new Teckelfriend
Congratulations to all families with the puppies
of the the I-litter and the J-litter
and that everybody may enjoy their lovedones for
many more years to go. |
On Sunday 29th
of June 2015 the female
Floriana Fehér Csavargo participated a specialty for Juniors & Veterans of KC
Venray e.o.
in Tienray (NL)!
was a very well organized and wonderful day with
beautiful wheather and
did fantastic regarding her age.
became first in the first round and qualified straight
away to the finals and she became Best Veteran of the
Show judged by 3 judges.
fantastic and wonderfull result for a lady of 11 years
and 3 months
also very happy and proud to have her still around!
On Sunday 14th
of June 2015 the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo and
his mother
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
(Clubwinner KVN 2014) participated the yearly
Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvaszclub (KVN) at Kerkwijk (NL)!
Jármos Jákó
his daughter and
Írisz Jázmin
her granddaughter:
Niszŕly A Vízimalom
in Babyclass of the Kuvaszkennel of a dear friend Mrs. Ann
Braeckevelt from België.
got Best Baby and did fantastic.
Birka Fehér Csavargo)
got best Female en also Best of Breed and Clubwinner
Jármos Jákó
participated in championclass and got rewarded with a first
place with an Excellent. He became Best Male (BOS) and
also got CAC. His mother
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
participated also in champoinclass and was rewarded with a
second place and also with an Excellent.
day became a hugh success for both Kuvaszkennels:
"A Vízimalom"
and "Fehér Csavargo"
great, successfull day with at the end a couple of
beautifull familypictures
be very happy and most of all very proud!

Picture on the left: from left to right: Best Male
Jármos Jáko
and Best Female and BOB
Picture on the right: from left to right:
Írisz Jázmin,
Jármos Jáko,
On 5th
of June 2015 it already has been 11 years ago
the female
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
has been born
and the F-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
She has
celibrated her birthday
with her
Írisz Jázmin
and her grandson
Jármos Jákó
and her
new Teckelfriend
We still
hope to have her around for a long time!
congratulation to all families with their puppies
from the
F-litter and also hope they all may have them around
for a
long time!
On 24th of
May it already has been 12 years ago that
Alany Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the E-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations to all families with their lovedones
that they all may life for many more years!

On Sunday 19th
of April 2015 the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo participated
the show in Hoogstraaten (B)! Also his babydaughter Niszŕly A Vízimalom
from België participated in Babyclass. She became Best
Baby and did really wonderfull.
Jármos Jákó
participated in Championclass and was rewarded with a
first place and an Excellent. Also he was rewarded with
the CAC for the Belgium Championtitle and CACIB for the
International Championtitle.
of this CACIB he also is now a new:
"International Champion"


On 10th of March the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo has
become a dad for the second time in his life of 3
beautiful puppies, 1 female and 2 males
the Kuvaszkennel: Vom Zollernblick in Germany with owner
Mrs. Rosemarie Wälde.
and her puppies everything is going well.
On Saturday 21st
of February the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo participated
the Show in Hoogstraaten (B)!
Jármos Jákó
participated in Championclass and was rewarded with a
first place and an Excellent and also was rewarded with
the CAC for the Belgium Champointitle and also with the
CACIB for the International Championtitle. Also he
became Best Male and Best of Breed (BOB).
On 2nd of
January it already has been 7 years ago that
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the H-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations to all families with their lovedones
and that
they all may life for many more years!
and proud to close the year 2014 with beautiful results and
1 x Dutch
Champion |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Clubwinner KVN
2014 |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Belgium
Champion |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
2 x Europasieger |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Frühjahrssieger Dortmund |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Benelux
Winner Nederland |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Benelux
Winner Luxemburg |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Brabowinner |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
On 20 december
2014 is de reu
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo voor
de eerste keer papa geworden van 3 prachtige pups, te
weten 3 teven bij een bevriende Kuvaszkennel: A
Vizymalom in België bij de eigenaresse Mevr. Ann
Braeckevelt. Met
Ines en pups
gaat het prima.
Op 19 december 2014 heeft de reu
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo deelgenomen
aan de internationale show in Cuijck (NL).
Jármos Jákó
voor de laatste keer deel in de openklasse en werd beloond met een eerste
plaats en een uitmuntend. Doordat hij beste reu werd
verdiende hij hiermee het punt CAC voor de Nederlandse
Kampioenschapstitel. Ook heeft hij het punt CACIB
gekregen voor de Internationale Kampioenschapstitel.
Jármos Jákó
heeft met het behalen van deze CAC aan alle voorwaarden
voldaan en heeft hiermee dna ook zijn titel behaald
"Nederlands Kampioen"
Op 2 december 2014 is het
alweer 6 jaar geleden dat
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
het leven schonk aan het H-nest van Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
hartelijke felicitaties aan alle
families met de verjaardag van hun witte lievelingen
dat zij nog lang in het midden van hun families mogen zijn!
Op 26 oktober 2014 heeft de reu
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo deelgenomen
aan de jaarlijkse clubmatch van KC Venray eo in Meerlo
Jármos Jákó
deel in de fokkersklasse en werd beloond met een mooie eerste
plaats en een uitmuntend. Hij werd Beste Reu en Beste
van het Ras (BOB) en werd hierdoor uitgenodigd om deel
te nemen aan de eindkeuring in de erering. Hier behaalde
Jármos Jákó
een mooie 5e plaats in de groep.

Op 25 oktober 2014 is het
alweer 9 jaar geleden dat
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
het leven schonk aan het G-nest van Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
hartelijke felicitaties aan alle
families met de verjaardag van hun witte lievelingen
dat zij nog lang in het midden van hun families mogen zijn!
Op 17 oktober 2014 heeft de reu
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo deelgenomen
aan de internationale show Bundessieger in Dortmund (D).
Jármos Jákó
deel in de kampioensklasse en werd beloond met een
plaats en een uitmuntend. Hiermee kreeg hij het reserve
VDH-CAC, het reserve KFUH-CAC en het reserve CACIB.
Doordat hij het reserve VDH-CAC heeft gekregen
staat hij nu klaar om de Duitse Kampioenschapstitel te
behalen omdat dit reserve punt op de Bundessieger voor
een vol punt VDH-CAC telt. Hij heeft nu 5 punten maar
moet wachten omdat er een jaar en een dag tussen het
eerste en laatste punt moet zitten.
Op zaterdag 7
september 2014 heeft de tweede Beneluxwinnershow
plaatsgevonden van 3 in totaal voor dit jaar. Deze show
vond plaats in Nederland, nl. in Rotterdam. Deelgenomen
heeft de reu
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo en
hij heeft het prima gedaan.
Jármos Jákó
deel in de openklasse en werd beloond met een eerste
plaats en een uitmuntend. Doordat hij beste reu werd
verdiende hij hiermee het punt CAC voor de Nederlandse
Kampioenschapstitel. Inmiddels heeft hij voldoende
punten voor deze titel maar hij moet nog wachten tot hij
minimaal 27 maanden is. Ook heeft hij het punt CACIB
gekregen voor de Internationale Kampioenschapstitel.
Jármos Jákó
nu in totaal 4 landen zijn CACIB's behaald en dat is
voldoende voor de titel alleen hij moet wachten tot
minstens april van volgend jaar vanwege de regel dat er
een jaar en een dag tussen de eerst en de laatste
behaalde punt moet zitten. Ook heeft hij de titel
gekregen van:
"Beneluxwinner NL 2014" (NL) |
Alweer een super resultaat voor deze knappe jongen!
Op zondag 30 augustus 2014
heeft de eerste Beneluxwinnershow voor dit jaar van de 3
in totaal weer plaatsgevonden sinds jaren en de eerste
show dus in Luxemburg. Deelgenomen heeft de reu
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo en
ook zijn tante
Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo.
Ze hebben het beiden voortreffelijk gedaan!
Jármos Jákó
deelgenomen in de openklasse en werd gewaardeerd met een
eerste plaats en een Uitmuntend. Hiermee heeft het punt
CACL gekregen voor het Luxemburgs Kampioenschap en het
Punt CACIB voor de titel Internationaal Kampioen. Hij
heeft nu alle kwalificaties voor deze titel maar moet nu
nog wachten totdat hij 27 maanden is! Ook heeft hij de
Crufts kwalificatie gekregen en zijn eerste titel:
"Beneluxwinner 2014" (Luxemburg) |
Zijn tante
Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo
heeft deelgenomen in de kampioensklasse en werd
gewaardeerd met een eerste plaats en een Uitmuntend. Ze
heeft hierdoor dan ook het Reserve CACIB gekregen en het
punt CACL en heeft hiermee dan ook de titel gekregen
"Luxemburgs Kampioen" |
Prachtige resultaten voor 2 prachtige Kuvasz!
Wednesday 6th of August 2014 the result came in
the ED (= elbows) of the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo:
ED = Elbows:
Arthrose |
free |
free |
free |
free |
Inc |
free |
Wednesday 30th of July 2014 the result came in
the HD (hips) of the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo:
After 1
year ago the result came in of:
(= excellent), Norbergvalue
now the
fantastic result came in again:
HD A (=
but now with the
highest score of
Norbergvalue 40
and proud with such a fantastic results!
****** |
Not important how small or big these feeth are
which always
have guide me ...
These leave
traces in my heart
for ever! |
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
born on 22nd of July 1998.
On 20th of
2014 the international show in Luik (B)
took place.
this show the female/bitch
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
took part and she did excellent.
Írisz Jázmin
was rewarded with a firt place and excellent in
championclass, she became best female/bitch and therefor
she was also rewarded with the CAC and CACIB and also
became Best of Breed (BOB).
Because she has been rewarded with her 4th point CAC
Írisz Jázmin
is rewarded with the title:
"Belgium Champion"
On 15th of
July 2014 it has been already 5 years that
Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the I-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
So also
the female/bitch
Fehér Csavargo
celebrated her 5th birthday among her mother
and her son
Jármos Jákó.

Floriana & Jármos Jákó & Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
families congratulations with their loved ones
hopefully we may enjoy them all for many more years!
On 9th of July 2014 it
already has been 2 years ago that
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the J-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
So also
the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
has celebrated his second birthday with his mother
Írisz Jázmin
and grandmother

Floriana & Írisz Jázmin &
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |

Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
families happy birthday with their sweethearts
and that
we all may enjoy them still for a very long time!

On Sunday 15th of June 2014 the yearly
Kuvaszspecialty took place of the Dutch Kuvasz Club (KVN)
in the dogcenter of Kerkwijk (NL). The male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo and
also his mother
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
took part of this specialty and both did amazingly well.
Jármos Jákó
was rewarded with a first place Excellent in the
Intermediate Class and also he became Reserve Best Male for
which he has been rewarded with the point Reserve CAC and
which will be changed into a whole point CAC for the Dutch
Championtitle because the Best Male already has his Dutch
His mother
Írisz Jázmin
also has been rewarded with a first place
Excellent in Championclass and therefor had to
compete for Best Female.
Írisz Jázmin
not only became Best Female but she also won the
competion for Best of Breed and therefor
Írisz Jázmin
became Best of Breed and also was rewarded with
the point CAC for Dutch Champion but she
already has this title for some years now. Also
Írisz Jázmin
was rewarded with the title:
"Clubwinner KVN 2014"
Because of this hugh success
Írisz Jázmin
has qualified herselfe for the second time
during her life for the hugh and only on
invitation show "Dog of the Year 2014" which
will be kept early 2015 in Amersfoort (NL).
Again beautiful results for mother and son!

On 5th of June
2014 it already has been 10 years ago that
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the F-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Also the
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
has celebrated her 10th birthday with her daughter
Írisz Jázmin
and her grandson
Jármos Jákó.
congratulations to all families with their lovedones from the F-litter
and that
they may enjoy their lovedones still for a longer time!
On 24th of May 2014 it
already has been 11 years ago that the female/bitch
Alany Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the E-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations to the families whom still have their lovedones with them and
they may
enjoy their families still for some time!
On 9th, 10th
and 11th of May 2014 one of the hughest shows in Germany
have took place, nl. in Dortmund (D). The Kuvasz was on
Friday 9th of May the "Frühjahrssieger Dortmund"and on
Sunday 11th of May the hugh "Europasieger".
Friday 9th of May 2014 the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part in the intermediateclass en he did really
Jármos Jákó
became first in intermediateclass with an
Excellent and also became Best Male (BOB).
Therefor he has been rewarded with the point VDH-CAC for
the German Championtitle and the point KFUH-CAC for the
title of the German Club KFUH (Klub fur Ungarische Hirtenhunde)
and also he was rewarded with the point CACIB for the
international Championtitle and he also got the title:
"Frühjahrssieger Dortmund"

On Sunday 11th of May 2014 the hugh yearly Europasiegershow
took place! At this show participated the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo as
well as his mother
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo. They
both did terrific, especially seen the
competition at such a show!
Jármos Jákó
was rewarded with a first place and an
Excellent in Intermediatclass en also became
Best Male (BOS). He got the points 2 x VDH-CAC, 1 point KFUH-CAC
and also the point CACIB. Also he got the title:
"Europasieger 2014"
His mother
Írisz Jázmin
also became first with an Excellent in
Championclass and also became Best Female.
Írisz Jázmin
became Best Female and also got the points 2 x VDH-CAC, 1 point KFUH-CAC
and the point CACIB.
Than she had to come back into the ring and
compete for Best of Breed and finally
Írisz Jázmin
became Best of Breed (BOB) and therefor she also
got the point for the Clubsiegertitel of the
Club KFUH. Also she was rewarded with the title:
"Europasieger 2014"
Fantastic results for mother and her son!

On Saturday
26th of April 2014 the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
has participated the second time
intermediatclass on the international show in Lingen (D).
He did really fantastic.
Jármos Jákó
was rewarded first in intermediate class again
with an Excllent and also he became
Best Male and Best of Breed (BOB).
Because of this result he also was rewarded with
his first point VDH-CAC for his adult title of
German Champion
and also his second point CACIB for his
international title.
Excellent result! |
On Saturday
12th of April 2014 the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
has participated the first time
intermediatclass on the international show, the Brabowinner
at Antwerpen (B).
He did terrific.
Jármos Jákó
was rewarded first in intermediate class with an
Excllent and also he became
Best Male and Best of Breed (BOB).
Because of this result he also was rewarded with
his first point CAC for his adult title of
Belgian Champion
and also his first point CACIB for his
international title.
Well done! |
February 2014,
after the
preliminary result of gPRA from the German laboratory Laboklin of
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
on age of 7 weeks,
now also
the defenitive and final result of DNA has came in from the laboratory in the
USA from Optigen.
The same
result came which is:
Again a fantastic result for this beautiful boy!
On 2nd of
January 2014 it has been already 6 years ago that the female/bitch
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the H-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations to all families with the birtday of their white lovedones
and that
they all may enjoy them for many more years!

Proud to
end the year 2013 with lots of beautiful and fantastic
results and titles:
1 x Dutch Champion |
Hügocska Fenyes Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Dutch
Juniorchampion |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Dutch
Veteranchampion |
Floriana Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Winner
2013 |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Juniorwinner 2013 |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Luxemburgs
Champion |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Luxemburgs
Juniorchampion |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x German VDH
Juniorchampion |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Clubchampion KVD |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Europajugendsieger |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Bundesjugendsieger |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Rheinlandjugendsieger |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Belgium
Juniorchampion |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Lokerse Winner |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Lokerse
Juniorwinner |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Champion |
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Most
promising dog of the Show |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Best
Puppy of the Show |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
2 x BIG-2: 2nd in
Group I |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
2 x BIG-3: 3rd in
Group I |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
1 x BIS-3: 3rd on the
Juniorshow |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
On Sunday 15th
of December 2013 the hugh yearly international
Winnershow took place in
Amsterdam (NL). On this show participated the male
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo,
his mother
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
her halfsister
Fehér Csavargo.
Jármos Jákó
participated the Juniorclass for the last time because
of his age of almost 18 months and was rewarded with a
first place and an Excellent. Therefor he got
already his ninth Junior title of this year:
Winner 2013"
also he was rewarded with the Juniorpoint but he did not
need this point anymore because he already has his title
of Dutch Juniochampion. Also he became reserve best Male
and therefor he also got another CAC point for the adult
title of Dutch Champion for which he is to be at least
27 months of age.
beautiful mother
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
her gorgious halfsister
Fehér Csavargo
competed both in championclass.
Írisz Jázmin
rewarded with a first place with an Excellent and
her halfister
was rewarded with an Excellent on the second place.
Írisz Jázmin
back in the ring to compete for Best Female which she
also won and therefor was rewarded with 2 x CAC and CACIB.
She did not need these points anymore because she
already has both title for it: Dutch Champion as well as
the title of International Champion. Also she was
rewarded with the title of:
"Winner 2013"
Írisz Jázmin
back in the ring to compete against the best male and
she also became Best of Breed (BOB).
Fantastic results for these 3 beautiful Kuvasz!
On Friday 13th
of December the oneday show took place in
Amsterdam (NL).
The female/bitch
Fehér Csavargo
participated in championclass
en was rewarded with an Excellent and also
became Beste Female
and therefor she was rewarded with the points
Also she became Best of Breed (BOB).
Well done! |
On 5th of
2013 it has been exactly 11 years ago that the female/bitch
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the D-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.

Congratulations to all families
with the birthday of their 11 years old darlings
and that everybody may have enjoy and have them for many
more years in their middle!
On 27th of
November 2013 it was exactly 18 years ago that the
A-litter has been born, it was 27th of November
1995. This was the first litter within Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
gave birth to a beautiful litter of 3 males and 5
females. From this litter
Alany Fehér Csavargo
stayed to continue the kennel. And she did. Very happy
that all puppies of the A-litter have raised and grown
up in very nice families. And with lots of proud looking
back to all the genes which have spread over lots of
parts of the world. It is a great to look back at all
the nice pictures and memories of this beautiful litter!
On Sunday 17th
of November 2013
the yearly clubshow took place
the Kynologicalclub KC
West Friesland in Heerhugowaard (NL).
The male:
Jocó Janó Fehér Csavargo
took part at this show and he did excellent!
On age of 16 months
took part for the first time at a show and it was a
great experience for him. The jugde was very impressed
by him and he therefor became best male and a beautiful
first place and also he became
Best of Breed (BOB).
Excellent result for this young male for his first time!

On Sunday 27th of
Oktober 2013
the yearly clubshow took place of the kynological club of
KC Venray eo at Meerlo (NL). The male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part at this show!
did really great!
Jármos Jákó
took part in breedersclass and was rewarded with a first
place and an Exellent and also got a fantastic
judgingreport of the judge. He was very impressed by
this friendly, open and young Kuvaszmale of almost 16 months of age. The judge did reward him later on the day
once more! No points to win on this show but the
results were not less because of that. He also became
Best Male and Best of Breed (BOB).
Because of that he was invited for the ring of honour
later on the day.
came back in the ring with all the other Best of Breeds
of the other breeds in group I and
Jármos Jákó
was rewarded with a beautiful second place in the group!
an amazing result for such a charming male of almost 16 months!
On 25th of Oktober 2013 it has been 8 years ago that the female
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the G-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.

Congratulations to all families with the birthday of their 8
year old darlings
and that all families may enjoy and have them all in their
middle for a very long time!
On 24th of Oktober 2013 it has been 13 years ago that the female
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the C-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
with her
born on
24th of Oktober 2000. |
Congratulations to all families with their 13 year old
lovedones and that everybody may enjoy them for a long time!
On Saturday 12th
of October 2013
one of the two biggest shows has took place in Germany;
the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund (D). On this show took
part the male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo.
Jármos Jákó
took part in Junior class and was rewarded with a first
place and an Excellent. The judge was very impressed by
this young, open and friendly male und also has written
this in his excellent critics he got from the judge.
Also he was rewarded with the title:
and also he has been rewarded with the point Junior-CAC-KFUH
and his third point of Junior-CAC-VDH. And Best Junior.
With this third point
Jármos Jákó
now official has been rewarded
with his title of:
"German VDH Juniorchampion"
Jármos Jákó
did really exellent again!
On Saturday
28th of September and Sunday 29th
of September 2013
the first double international show took place in
Holland in de city of Maastricht (NL). The female/bitch:
Fehér Csavargo
took part at both shows!
did very well.
She took part on both days in openclass and on Saturday
she became first with an Excellent and also she became female/bitch
and therefor she was rewarded with the points CAC and
CACIB. Also she became Best of Breed (BOB). On Sunday
she became first with a Very Good. Because she was
rewarded with her fourth CAC point
has become a new:
"Dutch Champion"
A fantastic result for this beautiful lady!
On Sunday 15th
of September 2013
the national show took place in Krefeld (D).
At this show the male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part.
Jármos Jákó
took part in Juniorclass and was kwalified with a
beautiful first place and an Excellent although he was
shown his puberty very well. Despite of his playful
behaviour he still got an excellent judgingreport and
also his second point for the title of German
Juniorchampion. He still needs one point for the
definitive title. He also became best Junior.
Because of this achievement he was rewarded with
the title:
"Rheinland Juniorwinner".
Jármos Jákó
did very well!
On Sunday 8th
of September 2013
the Kuvaszspecialty of the German Kuvaszclub KVD took
place in Warendorf-Milte (D).
On this show took part the male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
and his mother:
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo.
Jármos Jákó
took part in Juniorclass and got a beautiful second
place and an Excellent and also got the reserve points
for German Juniorchampion and reserve point for the
Junior clubchampiontitle for KVD. His mother
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
took part in Championclass and was rewarded with a first
place and an Excellent and was rewarded with the points
CAC-VDH for the German Champointitle and the point
CAC-KVD for the Championtitle of the KVD.
Jármos Jákó
and his mother
Írisz Jázmin
took part for the first time in Brace class and they got
an excellent first place with beautiful critics of the
judge because of there breedtypical appearance.
Írisz Jázmin
was invited back into the ring at the end of the day
with all other first qualified Kuvasz with an excellent
for competing for Best of Breed and the Clubtitle of
this show. The judge did not hesitate very long and made
Írisz Jázmin
Best of Breed (BOB) and also she was rewarded with the
KVD 2013".
Super results for both as well mother as son!
On Sunday 7th
of September 2013
the international show took part in Luxembourg (LUX).
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part at this show.
Jármos Jákó
took part in Junior class and got a beautiful first
place with an Excellent. He became best Junior and BOS.
Therefor he has been rewarded with the title:
"Luxembourg Juniorchampion"
Jármos Jákó
did excellent!
On sunday 25th
of August 2013
the national show took place in Mons (B). The male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part at this show!
Jármos Jákó
did very well.
He took part in the Juniorclass for the last time in Belgium
and he was rewarded again with a beautiful first place
and an Excellent and also his fourth point for the
Belgium Junior
championship which he already managed to achieve one
week earlier. Also he became best Junior.
did really well and he is ready for the title of Belgium
for which he has to wait at least untill he is 27 months
of age!
On sunday 18th
of August 2013
the international show took place in Mechelen (B). The
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part at this show!
Jármos Jákó
did excellent.
He took part in juniorclass and was rewarded with a
first place and and Excellent and also was praised by
the judge because of his free, friendly, open and
naughty charakter! Because of this result
Jármos Jákó
was rewarded with his third and final point and he
became today a new:
"Belgium Juniorchampion"
managed to get all his 3 points in a very short amount
of time which is a great achievement. Also he became
best Junior. He came back into the ring and compete
against the best Female. And
Jármos Jákó
Best of Breed (BOB) as well.
Jármos Jákó
did really excellent! Again!

On saturday
10th of August 2013
the yearly clubshow took place of the kynological club of
KC Uden at Volkel (NL). The male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
took part at this show!
did fantastic!
Jármos Jákó
took part in breedersclass and was rewarded with a first
place and an Exellent and also got a fantastic
judgingreport of the judge. He was very impressed by
this friendly, open and young Kuvaszmale of just 13
months of age. The judge did reward him later on the day
once more! No points to win on this show but the
results were not less because of that. He also became
Best Male and Best of Breed (BOB).
Because of that he was invited for the ring of honour
later on the day.
came back in the ring with all the other Best of Breeds
of the other breeds in group I and
Jármos Jákó
was selected by the best 3 of the group. Finally he was
rewarded with a beautiful second place in the group!
an amazing result for such a young male of only 13
On Sunday 4th
of August 2013
the international show took place in Leuven (B). At this
show took part the male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo.
Jármos Jákó
his second time he took part on a show in our neighbour
country Belgium.
He took part in Juniorclass and he was rewarded with a
well deserved first place with an Excellent and also
with his second point for the titel of Belgium
needs 3 points in total for this Championtitel!
he became best Junior as well. So now it is up to the
third an final point!
Jármos Jákó
did wonderful again!

Wednesday 24th of July 2013 the result of the
healthinvestigation of
(Hips) has came in to the mail of the male:
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo:
(= Excellent)
and proud of this beautiful result!
****** |
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
born on 22nd of July 1998.
Not important how big or small the feeth were
which always
have lived by my side ...
They have
left their traces
in my hart
On Saturday
20th of July 2013
the international show took place in Luik (B). The
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
has participated.
did really excellent!
Írisz Jázmin
took part in Championclass and was rewarded with first
place and an excellent und she became Best Bitch/Female
so she also was rewarded with the punts CAC fur the
title of Belgium Champion and the CACIC for the titel
International Champion.
This point CAC is already
Írisz Jázmin
her 3rd point for the title Belgium Champion so
now she has to wait for one year for the
definitive Title because of the regulations for
this title.
Also she became Best of Breed (BOB).
Therefor she was invited for the ring of honour in which
she got selected by the judge with the 7 best of the
beautiful result for such a beautiful Lady!

Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
in the ring of honour. |
On Monday 15th of July 2013 it has been 4 years ago that the female/bitch
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
was born
and that the female/bitch
Fehér Csavargo
also gave live to the I-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.

Congratulations to all families with their loved ones
and that
they all still may enjoy them for a very long time!
On Sunday 14th
of July 2013 the national Outdoorshow took place in
Lokeren(B). The male
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
and his mother
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
participated. They did really excellent and it was a
very sunny and nice day.
Jármos Jákó
was for the first time on a show in Belgium and
participated in Juniorclass on age of 12 months. He was
rewarded with a first place and an excellent. He
therefor got his first point for the title of Belgian
Junior Champion and he was best Junior. Also he got the
title: "Lokerse Juniorwinner 2013". Than it was his
mothers turn,
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
participated championclass. She was rewarded with a
first place and an excellent and she became Best Female/Bitch
and therefor she was also rewarded with the point CAC
for the title of Belgian Champion and she was rewarded
with the title: "Lokerse
Winner 2013". Than as ell Jármos Jákó
Írisz Jázmin
had to come back in the ring and the judge decided for Jármos Jákó
as Best of Breed (BOB).
A fantasticly result!

Jármos Jákó &
Írisz Jázmin
together with Laura |

Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo

Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo |
On Monday 8th of July 2013 it already has been 1 year ago that
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
gave live
to the J-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations to all families with their loved ones and that they may enjoy
them all for a very long time.

also this handsom boy
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
has become 1 year as
On Sunday 7th
of July 2013 the international Show took place in Echt
(NL). The male
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
has taken part at this show. He did excellent and it was
a very nice but very hot day!
Jármos Jákó
took part in Juniorclass on age of almost 12 months und
the judge rewarded him with a first place and an
Excellent, the Junior-CAC point and a beautiful and
excellent judgingreport. Best Male and the point CAC for
the adult Dutch Championtitle.
Excellent result!

Jármos Jákó with his
Irisch Wolfhond Friend Midas! |

Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo |

Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo |
On Saturday
29th of June 2013
the international Show took place in Genk (B).
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
participated this show!
did really great!
Írisz Jázmin
participated for the first time a show in Belgium and
was showed in Championclass and she was rewarded with a
beautiful first place and an Excellent.
She came back in the ring and became Best Female and
therefore she also got her first point CAC for the
Belgium Championtitel and also she got her fourth point
CACIB in the necessary three different countries! And
finally she also became Best of Breed (BOB)!
Because of this fourth point in three different
Írisz Jázmin
has become a new
"International Champion"!
fantastic result! |
On Sunday 23rd
of June 2013
the outdoor Juniordogshow took place at our local
Kynological Club KC Venray eo in Oirlo (NL). The male Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
has participated. It was a very nice and relaxed day!
A day were
Jármos Jákó
has met a couple of his girlfriends again and also he
has made new friends! He is such a friendly, open and
sociable dog!
Jármos Jákó
took part in the ageclass of 9 till 12 months. Despite
of the fact that he blew up his coat he did real fine
and came thrue the 2 rounds. In the finales he became
first in his class so that was a terrific result! Later
on the day he was invited back into the ring and
Jármos Jákó
rewarded with a beautiful third place in Show BIS-3!
beautiful result! |

Jármos Jákó with his Shiba Inu Girlfriend Naomi!

Jármos Jákó with his Irisch Wolfhond Girlfriend Hotah! |

Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
first roundes and the finales!

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
3rd Best in Show BIS-3 |

All Groupwinners with the judges and the board/organizers
of KC Venray eo! |
On Sunday 16th
of June 2013
the yearly Specialty of the Kuvasz (KVN) took place in
Kerkwijk (NL). The male Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
the female/bitch
Fehér Csavargo
partipated this show.
did excellent!
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
took part in Juniorclass with only 11 months of age. He
did really excellent. The judge gave him a beautiful
judgingreport and a beautiful first place with an
Excellent! Because of this first place he was also
rewarded with his third point Junior-CAC which has made
him a new: "Dutch Juniorchampion".
Well done
Jármos Jákó.
Also he became reserve Best Male and therefore he was
rewarded with the Reserve CAC for the adult Dutch
Championtitle which becomes one full point CAC because
the best male already has his Dutch Title. But
Jármos Jákó
has to wait untill he is 27 months of age for the adult
Title. Than it was the turn of his aunt
Fehér Csavargo.
She took part in openclass and she was rewarded with a
beautiful first place with an Excellent and a beautiful
judgingreport. At the end of judging
Jármos Jákó
was invited back into the ring with all other males and
females/bitches untill 24 months of age again and he
finally got rewarded for
"Most promising Kuvasz of the Show".
a fantastic beautiful results for such a young male! |

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
Best Junior male |

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
Reserve Best Male |

Fehér Csavargo |

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
Most promising Kuvasz
of the Show" |
On Sunday 9th
of June 2013
the clubshow of KC Nieuwegein took place in Nieuwegein (NL).
The male Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
took part and he did terrific!
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
took part in Juniorclass. He is 11 months now and he did
really fantastic again on this young age! The judge was
very impressed by him and he was rewarded with a first
place and Best of Breed (BOB) and he also got a
fantasticly excellent judgingreport. On this show you
could not get any points but the results were surely not
less because of that.
Jármos Jákó
was invited back into the ring of honour with all the
other Best of Breeds of group I. He finally got rewarded
with a beautiful third place in the group BIG-3!
amazingly deserved result!

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo with a beautiful third place in the group! |
On 5th of June 2013 it has been exactly 9 years ago that
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the F-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Fotoos nog
opnieuw inbrengen!!!!!

Congratulations to all families with the birthday of their lovedones
and that
they may all enjoy their sweetharts for many more years!
En dus
ook de teef
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
is vandaag 9 jaar

On Saturday 1st
of June 2013
the international show in Oss (NL) took place.
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
participated this show and did excellent!
Jármos Jákó
participated on age of almost 11 months in junior class
and he was rewarded with a first place with an Excellent
and he also got a beautiful judgingreport. The judge was
very charmed by him! He got his second Junior CAC point.
He still needs one more for the
titel: "Dutch Junior Champion".
Because he became Best Male he also was rewarded with
his first point CAC for the Dutch Championtitel. He
needs four points and he must have the age of a minimum
of 27 months.
Again an excellent result!
In te weekend
of Saturday 18th of May 2013 and Sunday 19th of May 2013 the two biggest shows
in Hungary took place. On Saturday 18th of May 2013 the "Hungarian Breeds World
Cup" in the beautiful Kastélypark in Gödöllö. On this show 30 Kuvasz were
entered. On Sunday 19th
of May 2013
the biggest show called Worlddogshow in Budapest took
place. There were 76 Kuvasz entered.
Lots of pictures and some
of the results you can look at the pages:
"Hungarian Breeds World
Cup", Gödöllö (H), 18th of May 2013: Results and pictures
Worldwinner, Budapest
(H), 19th of May 2013: Results and pictures
Unfortunally until now
most of the results are not known yet!
Hopefully these will
still come!
On Friday 10th
of May 2013
the biggest show called Europasiegershow in Germany took
place in the city Dortmund (D). For the first time
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
participated a show in a foreign country and he really
did amazingly well! |
Jármos Jákó
participated on age of just 10 months in junior class
and he was rewarded with a first place with an Excellent
and he also got a beautiful judgingreport. He got the
titel: "Europajugendsieger 2013" (Europa
juniorwinner 2013) and the point Junior-CAC-VDH for the
titel of German Juniorchampion. Because the junior male
does not compete for Best Male he was invited to compete
for Best of Breed. But when the judging was done it
seemed that only
Jármos Jákó
and the Junior Female/Bitch had been rewarded with an
Excellent. The others only got Very Good! So that was a
hugh surprise! So both Juniors had to compete and the
judge made
Jármos Jákó
Best of Breed (BOB). That was a terrific result!
Later on the day in the ring of honour the biggest
surprise came of that day:
Jármos Jákó
was selected by the best 9 of the group!
What an amazing result!
On Friday 3th
of May, Saturday 4th of May and Sunday 5th of May 2013
the male
Fehér Csavargo
participated for the first time on the show at Gray Summit (Missouri) USA. He
did really excellent! |
participated all three days in puppy class and on Friday
he maneged to become Best of Sweepstakes. As well on
Saturday as on Sunday he became first in puppy class en
last but not least: Reserve Winners Dog. This is really
a fantastic result for such a young boy of almost 10
months of age.
A fantastic beautiful result!

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo |
On Saturday 27th
of April 2013
the clubshow of KC Hardenberg e.o. took place in
Hardenberg (NL).
On this show participated the
male: Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo.
He did
amazingly well!
Jármos Jákó
participated on age of 9 months and 3 weeks in
breedersclass and he was rewarded with a beautiful first
place with Excellent. Best male and Best of Breed (BOB).
The judge was very impressed by this young fellow and
therefor he got a beautiful judgingreport. Also Jármos Jákó
was invited in the ring of honour with a hugh group of
all other kwalified dogs of breedgroup I.
Jármos Jákó
was finally rewarded with a beautiful third place in the
group: BIG-3!
amazing beautiful result for this young fellow! |

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo |
On Sunday 21st
of April 2013
the international show took place in Goes (NL).
On this show participated the
male: Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
and the female/bitch:
Fehér Csavargo.
They both did fantasticly well!
Jármos Jákó
participated for the first time in Juniorclass with his
9 months and 2 weeks of age and he was rewarded with a
first place and the qualification Excellent. Also he got
an excellent judgingreport! Because of this beautiful
achievement Jármos Jákó
was rewarded with his first Junior-CAC point for the
title: "Dutch Juniorchampion". He needs 3 points for
this championship! So two more to go! Than he was
invited back into the ring against the Championmale and Jármos Jákó
became Reserve Best Male! Well done for this young
Fehér Csavargo
came into the ring and participated in Veteranclass. She
was rewarded also with a first place and the
qualification Excellent. Therefor she was rewarded with
her third Veteran-CAC point and because of this last
point she definitely achieved the the title:
"Dutch Veteranchampion".
beautiful result for grandma and grandson! |

Fehér Csavargo |
On saturday
6th of April 2013
the youngdogshow took place at the Kynological Club of KC Gorinchem e.o. (NL).
male Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
participated puppyclass for the last time.
He did really amazingly well!
Jármos Jákó
got an excellent judgingreport and became first place.
Hij became Best In Show Puppy!

Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
On Sunday 31st
of March 2013
the hugh international show took place in the country Luxemburg.
On this show participated the female/bitch:
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo.
She did really excellent!
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo
participated in Championclass and was rewarded with a
first place and the qualification Excellent and the
point CACL and because of that she is a new
So she was invited back to the ring and she
became Best Female/Bitch. Because of that she was
rewarded with her third point CACIB for the title
International Champion. She only needs one more point in
another country! Than she was invited back into the ring
for Best of Breed and the judge rewarded
Írisz Jázmin
with Best of Breed (BOB).
real terrific result for this beautiful lady!
On Sunday 23rd
of March 2013
the international Show took place in Hazerswoude-Dorp (Leiden) (NL).
On this show have participated the male: Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
and his aunt, the female/bitch:
Hügocska Fényes
Fehér Csavargo.
They both did fantastic!
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
it was the last time he participated in Puppyclass males
because he will be 9 months shortly and than he has to
start participating in youthclass.
Jármos Jákó
did very well and the judge was very charmed by him and
he was rewarded with the kwalificaton Very Proming and
also he got himselfe an excellent judgingreport. Also he
became Best Puppy! Than it was his aunts turn Hügocska Fényes
Fehér Csavargo
to come into the ring in opencklass. She was rewarded
with an Excellent and got also an excellent
judgingreport. She also became Best Female/Bitch and got
the point CAC for the Dutch Championtitel and the point
CACIB for the International Championtitel. Als she
became Best of Breed
(BOB). Hügocska Fényes
already has 3 of the needed 4 CAC-points in two shows to
get the title of Dutch Champion so this is a fantastic
Excellent result again!

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo |

Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo
in the ring of honour! |

Fehér Csavargo |

Fehér Csavargo
in the ring of honour! |
On sunday 10th
of March 2013
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
participated a clubshow of KC de Peel in Asten (NL). A
beautiful little show to also practice to walk in the
ring on a show! Jármos
did it very well again! He showed himselfe very well and
the walking in the ring is going better and better every
time! He took part in puppyclass and the judge was full
of vol lof
over hem. On this show no qualifictions are given so he
was rewarded a first place with an excellent
judgingreport and he also became Best Puppy.
beautiful result!

Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo in the ring of honour! |
On Sunday 3rd
of March 2013
one of the first shows have took place in the
Netherlands. It was a hugh international show in
Groningen. On this show took part the female/bitch:
Fehér Csavargo
and her grandson
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
(mother is
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo).
They both have done really excellent!
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
took part at a show for the second time and this was the
first time in puppyclass males. He did really excellent
on age of almost 8 months. The judge was very impressed
by him en hij was rewarded with a Very Promising and
first place. And also he got an excellent judgingreport.
She even did write in the last sentence of his
judgingreport: "Gorgious puppy!" He
became Best Puppy and was therefor invited for the ring
of honour for Best Puppy of the show later on the day.
Than his grandmother
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
partipated Veteranclass. She got a first place with an excellent and also a
beautiful judgingreport. She became best Veteran, got
her second veteranpoint for the official Titel of "Dutch
Veteranchampioon". She also got the CAC and became Best
Bitch/Female and Finally Best of Breed (BOB). She did
really excellent for the second time since a very long
time not have been on any show at all!
Finally in the ring of honour Jármos
had to compete against all the best puppies of all the
breeds of that day! And guess what? Jármos
did excellent and was choosen out of all these puppies
by the last 5 best puppies of the show.
really terrific result!

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo |

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
in the ring of honour among
the 5 best puppies of the show! |

Floriana Fenyes
Fehér Csavargo |

Fehér Csavargo
in the ring of honour erering! |
On 19th of February 2013 it was exactly 20 years ago that this beautiful girl
came into this world!

She was
born on 19th of Februari 1993 in a litter of 6 females/bitches and 1 male in
Germany and her name was
became the ancestress of Kuvaszkennel: "Fehér Csavargo"
and so she is in all pedegrees of all 10 litters
which are born in and carry the name of the Kuvaszkennel: "Fehér Csavargo"
and in
lots of more offspring in!
Very proud to mention that in the meantime already
the 5th generation walks around and that her genes have been spread already over
many continents!
herselfe has given birth to one beautiful litter in her whole life
and this first litter has been born on 27th of November 1995
and that was the A-litter of Kuvaszkennel: "Fehér Csavargo" !
On 2nd of January 2013 it has been 5 years ago that
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the puppies of the H-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations to all families with the birthday of their lovedones
hopefully they all may enjoy all of them for many more years!
and proud to close the year 2012 with some fantastic results:
1 x
Dutch Champion |
Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
2 x
Champion |
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
Írisz Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Russian Champion |
Írisz Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Russian Champion RKF |
Írisz Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Ukrain Champion |
Írisz Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
German VDH Champion |
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo |
1 x German KFUH
Champion |
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Danisch Champion |
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Bundessieger |
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Winner |
Hügocska Fenyes Fehér Csavargo |
1 x
Veteranwinner |
Floriana Fehér Csavargo |
1 x Best Baby |
Jármos Jákó Fehér Csavargo |
J-litter, born 8th of
2012 |
Jázmin Fehér Csavargo |
On 5th of
December 2012
it is exactly 10 years ago that the female
Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the D-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.

Congratulations to all families of
Dear Django, Desmo, Drágám Dirk & Durasz
with the birthday of their 10 yearly lovedones
and that everybody may have their lovedones still very long
in their families and they may enjoy still each other for a
long period
On 27th of November 2012
it has been exactly 17 years ago that
gave birth to the A-litter of Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo; to be precisely on 27th of November 1995.
This was the first litter in Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
gave birth to a beautiful litter of 3 Males and 5
Females. From this litter the female
Alany Fehér Csavargo
stayed! All puppies have been grown up very nicely
in their fantastic families and all became very nice old
age! It is very joyfull to look back to this litter and to
admire the nice pictures of all these adorable
littermates and their mom!

Aesrah Fehér Csavargo |

Alany Fehér Csavargo |

Ashiva Fehér Csavargo |

Angyal Fehér Csavargo |

Yaisha met haar A-nest


Arany Fehér Csavargo |

Atilla Fehér Csavargo

Ádáz Fehér Csavargo |

Áldas Fehér Csavargo |
On Sunday 25th
of November 2012 the biggest show took place in the
Netherlands in Amsterdam, the Winnershow! From the Fehér
Csavargokennel 3 Kuvasz participated, nl. the females:
Fehér Csavargo,
Hügocska Fenyes
Fehér Csavargo
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
(mother is
Írisz Jázmin
Fehér Csavargo).
They all three did amazingly well!
Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo
participated for the first time in the Babyclass males.
He did so excellent with his 4 and a half months of age!
The judge was very impressed and charmed by this little
fellow and
became Best Baby with a first place and a Very Promisig.
His judgingreport was really excellent! After him the
Hügocska Fenyes
Fehér Csavargo
came into the ring and participated in Openclass females.
She won from the other female and she became first with
an Excellent and a beautiful judgingreport. Than the
Fehér Csavargo
participated for the first time in veteranclass. She did
great, despite it was already years ago that she was on
a show!
became first with an Excellent, a beautiful
judgingreport and she got herselfe the titel: "Veteranwinster
2012" and she also got her first Veteran-CAC, which is
the first point of three which she needs to get the
official titel of Dutch Veteranchampion. Than
Hügocska Fenyes
had to come back in the ring and also
also the other female of the intermediateclass en they
had to compete for Best Female/Bitch.
Hügocska Fenyes
was rewarded as Best Female/Bitch and she got the points
CAC and CACIB, which are the points for the titels Dutch
and International Champion and also she got the titel:
"Winster 2012". Finally
Hügocska Fenyes
had to come back in the ring to compete once more
against Best Male for Best of Breed (BOB)! And yes, the
judge decided for
Hügocska Fenyes
to become the new Best of Breed (BOB) of the Winnershow
of 2012. Really great!

Jármos Jákó
Fehér Csavargo |

Hügocska Fenyes
Fehér Csavargo |

Floriana Fenyes
Fehér Csavargo |

Three generations
Fehér Csavargo! |
fantastic result for three generations Fehér Csavargo!
And a really
unforgetable day! |
On 25th of October 2012 it will be 7 years ago that
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to the puppies of the G-litter
of Kuvaszkennel Fehér Csavargo.

Congratulations to all families with the birthday of their
loved ones and hopefully they all may enjoy them for many
more years!
very proud because all 12 puppies are still alife!
On 24th of October 2012 it will be exactly 12 years ago that this beautiful
young lady at that time:
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo
birth to 4 males and 6 females; the C-litter of the kennel Kuvaszkennel
Fehér Csavargo.
Fehér Csavargo
with her puppies
of the
born on
24th of
October 2000 !
Congratulations to all the families with the 12th birthday
of their loved ones and hopefully they all may enjoy them
still for a long time!
proud to say that according to the last information there
are still 8 of the 10 born puppies still alife today;
Joe, Corak, Csardas, Cenna, Cigány Asszony, Csárda, Csillág
& Csitri.
On Sunday 14th
of October 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated one of the two
biggest international dogshows in Germany; Dortmund (D): the "Bundessiegershow".
did really
He took part in
championclass and from the 3 males he became first with an
Excellent. He also got the points VDH-CAC and KFUH-CAC.
Than he had to
compete against the other males of the other classes who became
first with an Excellent and
became Best Male
and he also got the point CACIB and the title "Bundessieger 2012".
Than he had to
compete against the others for Best of Breed
and YES!
Ipoly also became
Best of Breed (BOB).
A really fantastic
win especially with this hugh competion!
He did really
On Sunday 14th
of October 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated
at one of the two hughest international shows in Dortmund (D).
He did really
Hij took part in
championclass and became first with strong competition
with an
Excellent and the points VDH-CAC and KFUH-CAC.
Than he had to
compete against the other males of the other classes and he
became Best Male he also got the point CACIB.
Than he had to
compete against the others for Best of Breed
and yes,
he also became
Best of Breed (BOB).
A really fantastic
win especially with this hugh competion! |
18th of
September 2012
puppies of the J-litter have found loving and kind families. I am very greatful
for that.
I want to
thank everybody for all the fantastic visits, mails, telefoncalls, cards,
beautiful flowers and beautiful presents. Also I want thank everybody for all
their interest and support for this litter.
Last but
surely not least,
I also
thank all the families who take care of these beautiful and fantastic puppies!
On Saturday
1st of September 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated the
international Show in Luxembourg.
Ipoly became a
beautiful second place in championclass with an Excellent.
On Saturday
25th of August 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has become a father for the
first time of 3 males and 5 females in the German Kuvaszkennel:
"Von den Grossen Strolchen". Mother is Nikaya von den Grossen
Ipoly did
great because this also was his first mating!
On Saturday
4th of August 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated the
international Show in Bremen (D).
Ipoly became a
beautiful second place in championclass with an Excellent and a beautiful
judgingreport. This was the first time he competed in championclass and he did
very well. He also was rewarded with the res. VDH-CAC, res. KFUH-CAC and the res.
CACIB because he became reserve Best Male.
On 22nd of
2012 the female/bitch
Bajdus Roma Fehér Csavargo
has become the age
14 years. She is born on 22nd of July 1998 and she has born in the B-litter of
Kuvaszkennel Fehér Csavargo out of 1 male and 6 females/bitches.
Out of
this litter also was my female/bitch
Babuschka Fehér Csavargo.
Congratulations for the owner of Roma and hopefully she may life for a long time
longer with you!
On 15th of
2012 this beautiful, young lady and proud mam of 12 puppies became 3 years young!
congratulations to all familie of all brothers and sisters of
Írisz Jázmin Fehér
Csavargo of the
I-litter of Fehér Csavargo!
And that
they all may enjoy each other for many, many more years! |
On 7th and 8th
of July
2012 the beautiful female/bitch
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
gave birth to 12 beautiful
puppies: 8 males and 4 females/bitches at Kuvaszkennel Fehér Csavargo. The
father is the beautiful Hungarian male, called Manfred (Edelény Kerti Ispán)
from Slovakia. Birth went perfectly, just like
was an experienced mother although it was her first litter. That was fantastic
to have seen this miracle. Also very nice to see that the naturel instinct is
still in lots of dogs of this breed. With mom
and her puppies everything
is oke.
of this litter you can admire from today on the page under Photo Albums litters:
J-litter, born on 8th of Juli 2012.
On 24th of
June 2012
the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has mated the female/bitch Nikaya
of the German kennel: "von den Grossen Strolchen". Everything went
fine and puppies will be expected end of August!
On Sunday 17th
of June 2012
the female/bitch
Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo
participated the Kuvaszspecialty of
the Dutch Kuvaszclub KVN in Kerkwijk (NL).
Despite of the circumstances that
day she really did excellent.
She took part in openclass and
became second with an Excellent.
Also she got an excellent
A beautiful result for this very
sweet and beautifil female/bitch!
Well done! |
On 17th of June 2012
the news came in that the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has received his certificat
of "Danish Champion".
This is
because he recently got his titel for German VDH Champion and because he also
has rewarded already in 2011 for the CAC in Danmark for the Danish Championtitel.
Again a
fantastic result!
On Friday 8th
of June 2012 the echo has been made with the vetrinairian and it proved that the female/bitch
Irisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
is defenitely pregnant.
are expected half of July 2012.
The future
father is the beautiful Hungarian male Edelény Kerti Ispán from Slovakia.
owners are looking forward to the puppies of this beautiful en breedtypical
combination and all the puppies of the J-litter are very welcome into this world!
fantastic and unique couple!
On 5th of June 2012
this beautiful lady
Floriana Fehér Csavargo
and all her brothers and one
sister have become 8 years!
is mother of the H-litter and the I-litter of the Fehér Csavargo kennel and she
already has become 2 times a grandmother!
Congratulations on the birthday of all Kuvasz of the F-litter of Fehér Csavargo
and all their families!
I hope
that they all may stay with us for many more years and everybody may enjoy their
loved ones still for a very long time.
On Sunday 3rd
of Juni 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated
at the
international show in Neumunster (D).
He did
Hij took part in
openclass and became first
with an
Excellent and the points VDH-CAC and KFUH-CAC.
Because he also
became Best Male he also got the point CACIB
and also became
Best of Breed (BOB).
Again a
fantastic result! |
On Friday 11th
and saturday 12th of May 2012 the female/bitch
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
has been mated bij de the Hongarian male
Edelény Kerti Ispán
(called Manfred) from Slowakia. They have had
beautiful days together and everything went
The puppies will be expected around 14th of July 2012.
all are looking forward to all the puppies which will come!
****** |

Írisz & Ispán |
On Sunday 29th
of April 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated the hugh
international show in Lingen (D). He did really excellent!
Ipoly Imre
became first in openclass with an Excellent en also he was awarded with the
points VDH-CAC and KFUH-CAC. Because of this result he had to compete against
the male of the Championclass for Best Male and
Ipoly Imre
won so he was rewarded for Best Male with the point CACIB. Than he had to
compete against the winning female/bitch of Intermediateclass, who also won from
the female/bitch in Championclass: Taruna von Anka (granddaughter of Cigány
Asszony Fehér Csavargo) for Best of Breed (BOB). Taruna won.
Because of
the points VDH-CAC and KFUH-CAC and his prescribed age
Ipoly Imre
has been rewarded also with
the titels:
"German VDH Champion"
& "German KFUH Champion".
On Sunday 8th
of April 2012 the female/bitch
Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo
has participated the hugh
international show in Belgorod (Russia). She did excellent!
Imola Írisz
was rewarded with a first place and a beautiful Excellent in
Championclass. She also got the points CAC en CACIB and she
became Best Female and Best of Breed (BOB). Because of this
beautiful result
Imola Írisz
also has
been rewarded with the following two new titels: |
"Russian Champion" & "RKF
Russian Champion".
Imola Írisz
has received in the past months the official diplomes/certificates
of the titels:
Champion" & "International Champion".
CAC-points and the CACIB-points for both of these 2
titels she has been rewarded for on severall shows in
the past one and a half year. Worth to mention is that
she has been rewarded with the CACIB-points in 7
different countries!
Fantasticly well done and beautiful results! |
On Sunday 18th of March 2012
my female/bitch
Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo
has participated the hugh
international show in Leiden (NL). She did really fantastic!
Írisz Jázmin became first in openclass with an Excellent en also
she was awarded with the
points CAC and CACIB and with a beautiful and excellent judgingreport. She also
became Best of Breed (BOB). Because
Írisz Jázmin
received her CAC she has become a new
"Dutch Champion".
beautiful result!
On Saturday
3rd of March 2012 the male
Ipoly Imre Fehér Csavargo
has participated the hugh
international show in Groningen (NL). The Hungarian Judge Mr. Korósz
András has judges the Kuvasz and he was very impressed by the male
Ipoly Imre.
He became first in openclass with an Excellent en also he was awarded with the
points CAC and CACIB. And with a beautiful and excellent judgingreport. He also
became Best of Breed (BOB). Because he received his fourth CACIB (he already got
the other three on shows in Germany and Danmark)
Ipoly Imre
has become a new
"International Champion".
fantastic result to start the year with!
Well done!
For more
News of the years 2002 till 2013 look at the below Link:
Years 2012 & 2013
Years 2010 & 2011
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009
* * * * *