LATEST NEWS 2002 - 2009 |
December 2009: in the monthly Dutch dogmagazine "Hondenmanieren" of January 2010 an interview has been published with Ron and also a picture of Ron with our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. The interview and the picture have been taken a couple of months ago during his dayly walk with one of our dogs. This time in the beautiful area around the "Reindersmeer" in our neighbourhood. At that time also some people were walking over there and their intention was to interview walkers with a special dog. The article has been written by Mrs. Cela den Biesen and she was walking over there with her friend and her Norway Buhund Skip.
****** on 21st of December 2009 the yearly international Christmasshow has taken place in Wijchen (NL). Best of Breed (BOB) became the championclass female/bitch Angyalka Aliz (Father is the male Corak Fehér Csavargo). And Best Puppy became the female/bitch Fruszina Hajna (grandchild of the male Corak Fehér Csavargo). Both females are from the Dutch kennel: "van de Viersenhoeve" (NL). Fruszina Hajna also has been picked out by the 6 best puppies of the show of that day. Excellent results! ****** on 13th of December 2009 the female/bitch Fides-Leány became the mother of 5 beautiful puppyfemales. These 5 females have been born in the German kennel: "Fehér Cimborák" and the father of this litter is the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo. Mother and puppies are doing fine. ****** on 9th, 10th, 11th and 13th of December 2009 the male Frodo Séregon Fehér Csavargo has participated 4 shows in Long Beach, California (USA). He did excellent. On all days he became first in Openclass and on the 9th, 10th and 13th of December he became "Winners dog". On the 9th and 10th of December he won from the "Winners Bitch" so he became two days "Best of Winners". On both days, as well as on the 13th of December he got 3 Majors. In total he already has 11 Points for his American Championtitel. Frodo is owned by the American kennel: "Mattiaci". Furthermore it was very interesting to know that on the 9th and the 10th of December, on the same shows, the Best of Breed (BOB) was de female/bitch: Glacier Creek's PGE Zuiderzee Adventure. The greatgrandfather of this female/bitch is the male Corak Fehér Csavargo. Severall other excellent results have been made on all 4 shows by severall other greatgrandchildren of the male Corak Fehér Csavargo from 2 litters of the kennel Glacier Creek. All excellent results! ****** on 5th and 6th of December 2009 the one year young male Sport (grandgrandchild of the male Corak Fehér Csavargo) has participated two shows in Brantford (Canada). On both days he became Best of Breed (BOB). Sport is bred by the American kennel Glacier Creek and he is owned by Olga and Jan Schmidt from the Canadian kennel "Brantwood". An excellent result for such a young male. ****** on 5th and 6th of December 2009 the female/bitch Imola Írisz Fehér Csavargo has participated her first shows in Kiev (Ukraine). She did terrific. Both days she was best puppy with the qualification "Most Promising". She is owned by the kennel: "White Motion". ****** on 5th and 6th of December 2009 the male Frodo Séregon Fehér Csavargo has participated his first shows in the USA; Ridgefield (Washington). He did great on sunday 6th of December. He was rewarded with a first place in openclass and "Winners Dog". After competing against the "Winners Bitch" Frodo became "Best of Winners" and therefore he was rewarded with a 3 point Major. Which are his points towards his American Championtitel. Also he became "Best of Opposite Sex" (OS). He did really fantastic! ****** on 1st of December 2009 it was the evening that the diplomes and certificates have been given to all participants of all courses (obiedience, socializationcourse, agility, etc.) wich took place in the late summer/autumnperiod 2009 with Kynologicalclub KC Venray e.o. With success our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo participated as well as her brother Izmos István Fehér Csavargo. Both did terrific and got their certificates with very good critics. So both are starting in February with the next course Basis II in the beginning of 2010. ****** on 30th of November 2009 our youngest female/bitch Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo achieved a fantastic result on the exame of the ringtrainingcourse (showtraining) of our Kynologicalclub KC Venray e.o. Írisz Jázmin and her handler (owner) became 5th best of this course. About every 3 months a new course will be organized and mostly around 25 till 30 dogs (al kind of varies of breeds) of all kind of ages with their handlers (owners) are training as a preparation for the future shows. Írisz Jázmin on age of almost 20 weeks and her handler did a terrific job!
****** on 29th of November 2009 the biggest international show of the Netherlands took place; the Winnershow in Amsterdam. On this show some remarkable results were rewarded by some offspring of our kennel. With the males the young male Erseg Fabo (mother: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo) was rewarded with a Very Good in the Intermediateclass. With the ladies the female/bitch Angyalka Aliz (father: Corak Fehér Csavargo) was rewarded with a first placee and an Excellent in Championclass en she became Reserve best female/bitch and also got the Reserve CAC and Reserve CACIB. In the Intermediateclass the female/bitch Eszti Luzja (mother: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo) was rewarded with a beautiful first place with an excellent. She became Best Bitch and also CAC and CACIB and the Winnertitel. She also became Best of Breed (BOB) on age of almost 20 months. Eszti Luzja also got her Dutch Youthchampiontitel recently. ****** on 9th of November 2009 we received the news that Fides Leány is definitly pregnant. She has been mated on 14th and 15th of October by the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo. The puppies of this beautiful combination will be expected half of December 2009 at the German Kuvaszkennel: "Fehér Cimborák" . ****** on 25th of October 2009 our youngest female Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo has participated her first show from our local kynological club. Írisz participated in babyclass and the judge (by the way also a breedspecialist) was very impressed by her. Some notes of the judgingreport: "Beautiful babyfemale. Good bone. Strong mouth and head. Good bite. Beautiful eye. Good set ears. Excellent pigmentation. Walks already very nice in the ring." Írisz already did excellent for her age of 3 ½ months! ****** on 21st of October 2009; we are very pleased that all puppies of our I-Litter of our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo have found new homes. ****** on 14th and 15th of October 2009 the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo has mated the female Fides-Léany vom Drachfenfels of the German Kuvaszkennel: "Fehér Cimborak". The puppies are expected to be born around half of December 2009. ****** we are very happy that we have found a new place for the male Frodo Séregon Fehér Csavargo because on the 2nd of October 2009 he flew to Denver, Colorado (USA) to live with his new owner Florence Mattice. Florence happens to be the breeder of Stratus. He is the father of Frodo and ofcourse our female/bitch Floriana and our whole F-litter. We thank Florence very much for taking care of him.
****** HIP HIP HOERA 40 000th visitor. on the July 21st, 2009 the 40 000th visitor was on our website. We are happy and honoured by all the visitors who are interested in our website. And therefore we want to thank everybody very much who has visited our website during the past years. Also we like to thank those people who have send us such a nice mails from time to time! You are always welcome to visit us or send us a mail. Thanks. ******* on 15th of July 2009 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has given birth to 6 males and 5 females/bitches. Father of the litter is Edelény Kerti Vezér. Mother and her puppies are doing fine. Pictures of this litter you can admire on our page: Photo Album "I-litter, born 15th July 2009". ****** on 5th of July 2009 our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo participated the national CAC show in Echt (NL). He did a terrific job. He was entered for the first time in the intermediate class and he has been rewarded with a first place with an "Excellent" and a beautiful judgingreport. Than he had to compete against the first placed male in the openclass and Harcos won. So he also was rewarded with the CAC and Best of Opposite Sex (BOS). Now he has to wait until he is 27 months and one day before he can get his final Dutch Championshiptitel. Harcos already has won all the points he needs for it. The female/bitch Gala Gyuki who won best female/bitch and Best of Breed (BOB) and she is a granddaughter of Birka Fehér Csavargo. ****** on 27th of June 2009 the yearly Kuvaszspecialty was kept by our Dutch Kuvaszclub KVN in the Dogcenter at Kerkwijk (Zaltbommel) (NL). Our young male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated in the youthclass and he was rewarded with a second place with the qualification Excellent and a beautiful judgereport. The female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated the veteranclass for the first time and she was rewarded with a second place with also the qualification Excellent. Further more participated the female/bitch Eszti Lujsa van de Viersenhoeve (daugther of Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo) in the youtchclass and she was rewarded with an Excellent on the first place. And another female/bitch Dasja Arany van de Viersenhoeve (granddaughter of Corak Fehér Csavargo) has been rewarded as most promising dog of the show. ******* on 11th of June 2009 we have visited our vetrinarian and she confirmed us that Floriana Fehér Csavargo is definitely pregnant and she will expect her puppies around half of Juli 2009. Pictures and more information about this litter you can find on our page: "Future/Breedingplans". ******* on 14th / 16th of May 2009 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has been mated by the male Edelény Kerti Vezér at Békéscsaba, Hungary. Everything went perfectly and so we expect the puppies to be born around 16th of July 2009. More information about this combination, pictures and pedigree you will find on our page: Future / Planning. ****** on 9th of May 2009 our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo participated the national CAC show in Alkmaar (NL). He did a terrific job. He was entered in youthclass and he has been rewarded with the highest reward which is a first place with an "Excellent" and a beautiful judgingreport. Because of this wonderful reward he also got the youth-CAC, which is his third one in total. So he became a new "Dutch Youthchampion". He also got Best Male and got rewarded with the CAC und because he also won from the Best Female/Bitch (of the openclass) he also became Best of Breed (BOB). Because of this beautiful result Harcos also already earned 3 ¼ CAC point of the needed 4 CAC points for his final adult Dutch championship. But he still has to wait untill the age of minimum of 27 months of age. A fantastic result for such a young male! ****** NEW on 3rd of May 2009 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has come into heat as expected. Therefor we will travel to Hungary the next coming weeks to mate her. Puppies wil be expected somewere around half of July 2009. For more information about this combination, pictures and pedigree you will find on our page: Future / Planning. ****** on 26th of Februari 2009 our young male Harcos Lelkes Barát Fehér Csavargo has succesfully succeeded his exame for the course of Behaviour: Basis II with our kynologicalclub KC Venraij eo. He did wonderful. Actually we had to do the exame in December 2008 but because of all kind of circumstances we were not able to participate so we were very lucky that they have given us the chance so we could do it still on the 26th of February 2009. So, now Harcos has succesfully succeeded this course and he will participate the next course which is called EG which stands for Elementaire Gehoorzaamheid. The springcourses are starting this week so we are very happy that we can do this. ****** on 15th of February 2009 the female/bitch Hajnalka Jazmin Fehér Csavargo has participated the International Show in Fredericia (Danmark). She was entered in the youthclass and she has been rewarded with excellent and she also became best female (BOS). Because of this result she got the CAC, which is her second point for the Danish Championtitel. The male of the youthclass which became best male and Best of Breed (BOB) beatet his father Allando (mother: Birka Fehér Csavargo). Fantastic results. ****** on 7th of February 2009 our male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated the International Show in Eindhoven (NL). He participated in youthclass and he became second with the kwalification Good. ******
******* NEW on 30th of November 2008 our young male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated the Winnershow in Amsterdam (NL). He participated in youthclass and he became second with a very good. His sister Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo was also rewarded with a very good and became fourth in youthclass. It was her first show. ****** on 14th of November 2008 we got the wonderful news from the USA that the 10 month young male Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo has been invited for the "National Championship" in Long Beach, California, on 13th and 14th of December 2008. Which will be organised by the AKC in cooperation with Eukunuba. This show is comparable to the Dutch show: "Topdog of the Year" and this show is one of the biggest in the USA. For this show only the 25 best dogs of every breed will be invited and mostly these are Champions and adult dogs. The points could be won from 8th of October 2007 untill 7th of October 2008. Huszár has been in the USA over 6 months and already it was possible for him to qualifiy in this short period of time. This is a fantastic result for such a young dog!! Worth mentioning was the fact that in December 2001 also a young Kuvasz our kennel has qualified to participate the "National Championship" of AKC / Eukunuba. That was the female/bitch Csitri Fehér Csavargo. She also maneged in a 5 months period to qualify for this big Eukanubashow that was kept in Florida at that time. Every year is has been organised in another state. Csitri got an "Award of Merit", wich only by exception will be given to dogs which are very promising for the future. This also was a fantastic result for a young female of 13 months of age. ****** on 8th and 9th of November 2008 the 10 months young male Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo participated two shows in Napa, Californië (USA). He again did excellent. Both days he got first in puppyclass. On the 8th of November he became Winnersmale and Best of Breed (BOB). On the 9th of November he also bacme Winnersmale and Best Puppy. A wonderful result. ****** on 1st of November 2008 our almost 10 months young male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated the International Show in Bleiswijk (NL). He participated in youthclass and he did excellent again. He was rewarded with the highest qualification "excellent" and because he won from his competition in the youthclass he got placed first and therefor he got his Youth-CAC. This is his second point towards his Dutch Youthchampiontitel. Still one to go! Than he had to go back in the ring and than he became reserve best male and therefor he was also rewarded with the Res. CAC. Again a beautiful result. ****** on 25th of October 2008 our 9 ½ months young male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated the International Show in Utrecht (NL). Although he already participated once more in youthclass was this the first time he competed in youthclass on such a hugh International Show. He did really excellent again. He was rewarded with the highest reward "excellent". Therefor he got his first Youth-CAC, which is his first point for the youthchampiontitel and also he got his first point CAC for the Dutch Championtitel. Also he became Best Male and because he also won from the Best Female he became Best of Breed (BOB). The judge was very impressed by him and he also got himselfe a beautiful judgingreport. Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo 9 ½ months of age Than later in the afternoon he had to compete in the group in the ring of honour. We were totally surprised by what happened and we were really very happy and proud of Harcos that he got picked out by the best 9 of the whole group on such a hugh international show. Than he became 6th Best in the Group (FCI). Also this judge, she already is a very experienced and also Kuvaszjudge for many many years, was really impressed by him as well. Harcos maight be the youngest Kuvasz ever which got a groupplacement in group I (FCI). A really fantastic result. Also on this show his sister Hügocska Fényes Fehér Csavargo and her owners were so nice to visited us and to look at the show. Brother and sister were very happy to see eachother again and they have played so wonderfully together.
****** on 19th of October 2008 our 9 ½ months young male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated the Clubspecialty of KC Venray e.o. (NL). He was entered in the youthclass for the first time and he really did excellent. He was rewarded with the highest reward "excellent" and also he became best male and Best of Breed (BOB). The judge was very impressed by him and the last sentence of this judgingreport he wrote: "an asset for the breed". That is one of the reasons that the judge placed him 3th in the group (FCI group 1). An excellent result for such a young boy! ****** on 12th of October 2008 the 9 ½ months young female/bitch Hajnalka Jazmin Fehér Csavargo has participated the Clubspecialty in Danmark. She was entered in the youthclass for the first time and she did excellent. She was rewarded with the highest reward "excellent" and also she became best female (BOS). Because she became best female she also got her first CAC, which is her first point for the Danish Championtitel. A fantastic result. ****** on 11th and 12th of October 2008 the young male Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo participated two shows in Yuba City, Californië (USA). He did excellent. Both days he got first in openclass and Best of Winners. Also he became Best of Breed (BOB) and because of these fantastic results he got himselfe 2 more points to become an American Champion. Again a wonderful result. ****** on 4th and 5th of October 2008 we have visited two shows in Budapest (Hungary), country of origin of our breed. A very interesting weekend and we have seen a lot of Kuvasz. On sunday was the Europeanchampiondogshow and 53 Kuvasz were entered. Results and pictures you already can see on our website. The results and pictures of the Kuvaszspecialty of Saturday will come on our website shortly. ****** on 27th of September 2008 our almost 9 months young male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated his first official international Show at Maastricht (NL). Harcos was entered for the last time in puppyclass and he did very well. Because the judge was so impressed with him he was rewarded with "very promising". So he got the highest reward he could get. Also he became best puppy. A wonderful result. ****** on 13th and 14th of September 2008 the young male Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo participated two shows in Santa Rosa, Californië (USA). He did excellent. Both days he got first in openclass and Best of Winners. Also he became Best of Breed (BOB) and because of these fantastic results he got himselfe 3 more points to become an American Champion. A fantastic result. ****** in September 2008 we have visited the young male Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo in Santa Rosa, Californië (USA). It was a wonderful and nice reunion Huszár recognised us and he was really trilled to see us again and jumped with four legs in the air to greet us. Also it was wonderful to meet Huszar's owners Jim and Linda again after 4 and a half years. Huszar is a grandson of Jim and Linda's male Stratus and ofcourse a grandson of our female Babuschka Fehér Csavargo. Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo, 8 months
From left to right: Jim, Huszár, Grandfather Stratus, Linda and Sasha
More pictures of these beautiful holidays will be coming shortly on this website under the name: "Holidays USA September 2008". ****** on 24th of August 2008 our almost 8 month of age male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo has participated a show of KC Canida in Venlo (NL). He was entered in Puppyclass and he did fantastic. He got a most promising and got best puppy. The Kuvaszjudge was very enthousiastic about him and he said that Harcos was already a beautiful and typical Kuvasz and he loved his head and expression. At the ring of honour he was choosen by the best 5 puppies of the show. So that was a wonderful result again. ****** on 17th of August 2008 the 7 ½ month of age female/bitch Hajnalka Jazmin Fehér Csavargo has participated her first official show in Vejen (Danmark). She was entered in puppyclass and in total there were 4 puppies entered for this show. The three other puppies were from one litter and bred in Danmark. The father of all these three other puppies is a Dutch male called Allando (mother is Birka Fehér Csavargo). All four puppies were qualified as "promising puppies" but eventually Hajnalka Jazmin Fehér Csavargo has been choosen as Best Puppy. ****** on 22nd of July 2008 it already has been exactly 10 years ago that our B-litter was born and we congratulate all owners with the 10th birthday of their Kuvasz. Because of this happy event we have visited the male, by the way the only male of this litter and his name is: Betyar Fehér Csavargo. Betyar 10 years old. Because of emigration of his former owners he already almost lives for 4 years with Carien and Jos. We are very grateful to them that they were able to offer him a new home. A fantastic new home and also we are very grateful to them that they have taken such a wonderful good care of him since than. Since a couple of months Betyar has got a new and younger companion and his name is Hadur Kamasz Fehér Csavargo. He is from our H-litter which was born on 2nd of January 2008. They are having a great time and we hope that they may have still a long time together. During this visit we have took our own male Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo with us and both brothers were having a wonderful time together, running and playing. It was so fun to see and observe. Also old greatoncle Betyar was lying and looking from a distance. He was fine with it.
Harcos Lelkes Fehér Csavargo Hadur Kamasz Fehér Csavargo ******
****** from 3rd till 6th of July 2008 the worldchampiondogshow was organized in Stockholm (Sweden). A total of 36,000 dogs were entered for these 4 days shows. On friday 4th of July the Kuvasz was judged and 41 Kuvasz were entered for this show. Because I never have visited Sweden before and never saw the Swedish Kuvasz alife, I decided to fly to Sweden to look at the Kuvsaz over there and take no Kuvasz with me. That would have been to difficult; to look at the dogs/talk to people and to show. But it was worth looking at the dogs! Worth mentioning was the surprise that the young male in youthclass: Sorchies Eber Egész got the title Youthworldwinner. But also he got the CAC, this is the point for the Swedish Championship. He had to win from the intermediateclass and openclass. He is a grandson of our bred female/bitch Birka Fehér Csavargo, from which her son Allando went to Danmark. And he is the father of the youngest Youthworldwinner. Unfortunally Allando was not able to be present on the worlddogshow because of a recent insury. ****** on 2th of July 2008 the young male Dardai Gabor van de Viersenhoeve (grandfather: Corak Fehér Csavargo) has travelled to his new owners in the US to take care of new bloodlines. We wish the new owners lots of luck and success with him. ******* on saturday 28th of June 2008 we have organized our litterday for our H-litter which was born on 2nd of January 2008. Everybody was really looking forward to this day. Alle puppies were present except the puppies which life in France, Danmark and the USA ofcourse. It was a very nice and pleasant day for everybody. When they all arrived later in the morning everybody had to meet but especially the puppies with eachother but also with their mother Floriana. That was very enjoyable. Everybody was very curious to see what had become of the brothers and sisters of their puppy. And really remarkable was the fact that all puppies were looking so the same! A very homogenious and harmonious litter and that was really fantastic for us to see. After that we sat in our garden and enjoyed coffee and tea with Limburgse vlaai, which is cake and specialty of the area we live in. The puppies were running and playing very joyfull with eachother. It was wonderful to see.
The time flew and after a few hours we have made a very nice walk (ofcourse not too long) at the nearby "Leukermeer" which is an area with lots of water. Some of the puppies did not have seen lots of water already or did not liked water at all. But when they all saw their mother Floriana give the right example to go into the water they decided to go too. It was really funny to see. Running and playing, it was great. Everybody was enjoying. Also the wheather was very nice so we were all very lucky and happy. After the walk we drove back to our home and sat again in our garden and we all enjoyed eating some nice soup; homemade asparagoussoup (also a specialty of this area) and beef/vegatablesoup with bread and quiche. Late in the afternoon everybody went home with a very satisfied fealing. Everybody was very enthousiastic about this fantastic day; meeting eachother, talk to eachother, exchange experiences, see eachother puppies and see weather they would look the same or would have the same charakters, etc. etc. A wonderful, fantastic and nice day and puppies of which we already can be very proud of. More pictures of this day you can admire on our page: H-litter, born on 2nd of January 2008. ******
****** on 25th of May 2008 the national two yearly (CAC) outdoor show " JOE KAT SHOW" has been organized in Arnhem (NL). The female/bitch Angyalka Aliz (daughter of Corak Fehér Csavargo) became first in openclass with an excellent and also became best female/bitch with CAC. Because of this last CAC she is allowed to put the title "Dutch Champion" behind her name from today onwards. ******
****** on 3th of May 2008 the 4 month young Kuvaszmale Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo has participated a youngdogshow in Santa Rosa, California (USA). He did very well because he became best of breed and second best puppy. He did wonderfull as well as his owner Linda.
****** on 27th of April 2008 the yearly Kuvaszspecialty was kept by our Dutch club KVN in the Dogcenter at Kerkwijk (Zaltbommel) (NL). Unfortunally we did not enter any dogs because of our recent litter of our female/bitch Floriana. But anyway, one male bred by us and 3 offspring of our kennel have participated the show. The 7 1/2 year old male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo became second in championclass with an excellent and als became reserve best male of the show. A beautiful result for a male of this age! The female/bitch Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve (daughter of Corak Fehér Csavargo) became second in openclass with an excellent. A first place with an excellent in openclass was for the male Allando (son of Birka Fehér Csavargo). His sister Aranka got a Vergy Good in openclass. ******* on 4th of April 2008 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo gave birth to 4 males and 8 females. Father is Jászszépe Cakkos. ****** on mondaymorning 17th of March 2008 we have brought our puppy male Huszár Barát Fehér Csavargo to the airport Schiphol in Amsterdam. He flew that day to his new home in California; Santa Rosa, to go and live with his grandfather Stratus. It all went perfect and he arrived safe and sound with his new family: Linda and Jim Miller. We are very honoured and greatful to them that they are going to take care of Huszár and therefore we would like to thank Linda and Jim and wish them all the best and good luck with him. ****** on 15th of February 2008 the health results of HD (hips), ED (elbows) and OCD (shoulders) have come in from the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo from our G-litter. He has been rewarded with HD A, ED free and OCD free. Also he has been free on gPRA which is a DNA investigation on the eyes. We are very happy and pleased with these excellent results. ****** HIP HIP HOERA 30 000th visitor. on the January 26th, 2008 the 30 000th visitor was on our website. Therefore we want to thank everybody very much who has visited our website during the past years. Also we like to thank those people who have send us such a nice mails from time to time. You are always welcome to visit us or send us a mail. Thanks. ******* on 2nd of January 2008 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has given birth to 7 males and 3 females/bitches. Father of the litter is Nyakás-Kovacs von Anka. Mother and her puppies are doing fine. Pictures of this litter you can admire on our page: "Photo Album H-litter". ****** on 2nd of January 2008 at 12.35 hours in the afternoon our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo started to give birth to her puppies. During the night she was very restless and in the morning we already noticed that she would start giving birth very soon. Further about this litter you can read on our page: "Photo Ablum H-litter". ****** on 30th of November 2007 we have visited our vetrinarian and she confirmed us that Floriana Fehér Csavargo is definitely pregnant and she will expect her puppies around 5th of January 2008. Pictures and more information about this litter you can find on our page: "Future/Breedingplans". ******* on 27th of November 2007 / 27th of November 1995, so today exactly 12 years ago, our first litter was born; our A-litter. From this litter still 2 dogs are living, knowing the female/bitch Arany Fehér Csavargo and the male Aldas Fehér Csavargo. Both of them will be 12 years today. We hope that both will still have a nice life with their families. Arany Fehér Csavargo on her old day. ****** on 11th of November 2007 the female Gésa Leany Fehér Csavargo has participated the international show in Stuttgart (D). She became second with an excellent in Openclass and Res. CAC-VDH and Res. CAC-KFUH. This was an excellent result knowing that it was her first time she was on a show. ****** on 9th of November 2007 we received the results of several healthinvestigations of the female/bitch Gésa Leany Fehér Csavargo which lives in Germany. Hips: HD A2 (excellent), shoulders: OCD free and (eyes) gPRA free (prcdPRA). The owner already has requested for a kennelname because they want start breeding and they have planned a litter with her in spring/summer 2008. We are very proud and happy with all this news. ******* on 8th of November 2007 the young male Cezar Harcos van Viersenhoeve (mother: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo) has travelled to his new owners in the US to take care of new bloodlines. The yourney has succeeded and they are very happy with him. We wish the new owners lots of luck and success with him. ******* on 3th, 4th and 5th of November 2007 our female Floriana Fehér Csavargo has been mated by the male/sire Nyakás-Kovacs von Anka. We expect the puppies to be born around 5th of January 2008. For more information look at our site: "Future / Breedingplans". ****** on 21st of October 2007 our female Floriana Fehér Csavargo has participated the Specialty from KC Venraij e.o. in Venraij (NL). Floriana became first with an excellent in breedersclass and she became best female/bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). Later on the day something happened what we never would have expected. Floriana became Best of the Group (I) and also she became 7th Best in Show. We are very proud of her and of this result because this is a really remarkable result which we will not easely forget. On this same day we noticed that Floriana became in heat so she will be mated when the time is right. ****** on 13th and 14th of October 2007 the female Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated the Bundessiegershow and the national show in Dortmund (D). She became on the 13th third with a Very Good and on the 14th second with an excellent and Res. CAC-VDH and Res. CAC-KFUH. ****** on 21st of September 2007 we received the result from the firm OptiGen in the USA of our male Betyar regarding the DNA (bloodtest) for the eyedefect gPRA or also called prcd-PRA in the USA. Our male Betyar is geneticly free of this eyedefect and he will never develope this defect at all. We are very happy because of this excellent result. ******* on 16th of September 2007 the female Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated the national show in Cologne-Porz (D). She became first in championclass with an excellent with CAC-VDH and CAC-KFUH. Because of the point CAC-VDH she became a new German (VDH) Champion. ****** on 1st of September 2007 the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo has participated the hugh international show in Luxembourg. He became first in championclass with an excellent with the reserve CACIB and the CACL. Because of this CACL he also became a new Luxembourg Champion. ****** on 11th and 12th of August 2007 the dogshow was kept in Jylland (Danmark). The female Charisma Fehér Csavargo participated two days and became on the 11th of August first in champion class with a very good and the 12th of August she became first in champion class with an excellent and she also got CACIB and finally Best of Breed (BOB). Also competing on this show was the male Allando (mother is Birka Fehér Csvargo) and he became on the 11th of August an excellent and CACIB and Best of Breed (BOB). On the 12th of August he became first with an excellent and CACIB and best male (BOS). ****** NEW on 26th of July 2007 the health results of OCD (shoulders) have come in from our female/bitch Gyémánt Gésa Fehér Csavargo. She has been rewarded with OCD free, so we are very happy with this result. ****** in June 2007 a new book has been introduced about the Kuvasz, written by Nikki Moustaki and photografer Isabel Français. This is an American book but very surprising is that on the cover of this book on the left you see a puppy and on the right you see our Multi Champion Babuschka Fehér Csavargo. This picture of hers and some others have been taken at the worldchampiondogshow in Porto (Portugal) in 2001 and made by the photografer Isabel Français and she comes from New York. At that time our Babuschka was 3 years old and just became that day worldchampion and best of breed. Three more pictures are in this book from her. ******* on 23th of June 2007 the yearly Kuvaszspecialty was kept by our Dutch club KVN in the Dogcenter at Kerkwijk (Zaltbommel) (NL). Unfortunally we did not enter any dogs because of our possible litter of our female/bitch Floriana. But anyway, one male bred by us and 2 offspring of our kennel have participated the show. The male Corak Fehér Csavargo became fourth in openclass with a very good. The females/bitches Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve (daughter of Corak Fehér Csavargo) became first in openclass with an excellent and also became reserve best female/bitch. Second place in openclass with an excellent was the female/bitch Aranka (daughter of Birka Fehér Csavargo). ******* on 16th of June 2007 our female/bitch Gyémánt Gésa Fehér Csavargo Floriana Fehér Csavargo has participated her first competition of Breitensport (this is a kind of Agility but in total 4 parts). She became fourth with 176,19 which is a phantastic for a beginner. ******* on 15th of June 2007 we have made an echo on our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. Unfortunally she is not pregnant. Due to the circumstances we are sure that mating has took place too late. Early November 2007 we will give it another try. ****** on 6th of June 2007 the health results of HD and ED have came in from our female/bitch Gyémánt Gésa Fehér Csavargo. She has been rewarded with HD B and ED free. ****** on 2nd of June 2007 the male Allando (son of Birka Fehér Csavargo) has participated a show in Norway, Drammen. He became first in championclass with an excellent, best male and best of breed (BOB). He got the title Nordisk Winner and became also Norway Champion. And last but not least, Allando was placed second in the group. Well done, congratulations to Vinnie and Anne, who own him. ****** on 19th of May 2007 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has been mated bij the male/sire: Edelény Kerti Nimród. We excpect the puppies to be born around 21st of July 2007. For more information look at our page: "Future / breedingplans" and "Availability Puppies". ****** on 7th of May 2007 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo came into heat. Next week we are starting to test progesteron to see when we have to start travelling to Hungary to mate her to the beautiful male/sire: Edelény Kerti Nimród. For more information look at our page: "Future / breedingplans" and "Availability Puppies". ****** on 4th May 2007 the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo has participated the biggest show of Germany; the Europasiegershow. He became first in youngdogclass with the first points of the national championtitels; CAC-KFUH / CAC-VDH and also he became best male. Therefor he also got his first point for the international championship; CACIB. Also he was rewarded with the titel: "Europasieger 2007". This is a phantastic result for such a young male of 18 months and 10 days. Especially knowing that you only can start competing for best male in Germany from 18 months of age onwards. ****** on 29th April 2007 the female/bitch Charisma Fehér Csavargo has participated the show in Hillerod (DK). She became first in championclass with an excellent and best female. The male Allando who became first in championclass with an excellent, best male and best of breed (BOS). He is the son of the bitch/female Birka Fehér Csavargo, who also has been bred by us. ****** on 17th April 2007 the result of the DNA-test for gPRA (prcd-PRA) of the male Corak Fehér Csavargo have come in. He is normal/clear which means that he is free of this eyedisease. ****** on 14th April 2007 the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo and our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo have participated the international show in Antwerpen (B). Fenseg became first in championclass with an excellent, CAC and CACIB, best male and best of breed (BOB). Because of this CAC he also became a Belgium Champion. Floriana became first in championclass with an excellent, CAC and CACIB and best female. Because of this CACIB she became an International Champion. ****** on 13th April 2007 we received the HD result of the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. The result is HD C1 (Belgium result). ****** on 9th April 2007 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has participated the first competition of Breitensport (this is a kind of Agility but in total 4 parts) of this year. She did it phantastic because she became first in beginners class and because she got a total 222,68 points of all 4 parts (so a minimum of 200 points in total and a minimum of 40 points for the obediencepart) she graduated to the higher class VK1. ****** on 1st April 2007 the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo and our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo have participated the hugh international show in Luxembourg. Fenseg became first in championclass with an excellent but unfortunally he did not got his CACL because the judge found him a little too thick. Floriana became first in championclass with an excellent and the CACL, so she became Luxembourg Champion as well. Because of this CACL Floriana is allowed to put the title "Luxembourg Champion" behind her name from today onwards. ****** HIP HIP HOERA 25 000th visitor. on the 18th of March 2007 the 25 000th visitor was on our website. Therefore we want to thank very much everybody who has visited our website during the past years. Also we like to thank those people who have send us such a nice mails from time to time. You are always welcome to visit us or send us a mail. Thanks. ******* on 17th March 2007 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has participated a national show in Wieze (B). She became first in championclass with CAC, best female/bitch, best of breed (BOB) and "Hopqueen 2007". Because of this CAC Floriana became definitely Belgium Champion so from today onwards she is allowed to put the title "Belgium Champion" behind her name. ****** on 17th March 2007 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo has given birth to 2 males and 5 females/bitches. The father is Puszta Kiralya Allando. on 12th March 2007 de female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has given birth to 7 males and 1 female/bitch. The father is Edelény-Kerti Nimród. ****** on 9th of March 2007 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has participated the biggest international show in Europe: "Crufts", which has been kept in the NEC in Birmingham (UK). She became best female, best of breed (BOB) and "Crufts Winner 2007". Afterwards we have visited a male of our E-litter: "Élénk Rablö Fehér Csavargo", who lives in England since March 2004. We were very pleased because he recognised us perfectly. Because of the quaratinerules in England Rablö had to life with us for the first 10 months of his life. Rablö has grown out perfectly and became a very nice, hugh and well boned male. ****** on 9th of January 2007 we have received all the results of all 7 Kuvasz bred by our kennel regarding the new DNA-test (bloodtest) with OptiGen in the US for the eyedefect gPRA or also called prcd-PRA. Our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo as well as our female/bitch Gyémánt Gésa Fehér Csavargo are both geneticly free of this eyedefect and they never are able to develope this defect at all. Also geneticly free are the 3 Kuvasz from our C-litter: the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo and the female/bitches Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo and Csárda Fehér Csavargo. Also geneticly free are the males from our F-litter: Fenseg Fehér Csavargo and from our G-litter: Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo. Also the female/bitch Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve (father is our bred male Corak Fehér Csavargo) and the male Allando (mother is our bred female Birka Fehér Csavargo) are both geneticly free of this eyedefect. also on 9th of January 2007 we received the message that Allando, who is living in Danmark, has become a Swedish and International Champion on 7th of January 2007 on the international show in Goteborg. Allando is the son of our bred female/bitch Birka Fehér Csavargo. Also he is geneticly free of the eyedefect gPRA or also called prcd-PRA. We congratulate the owners Vinnie Faith and Ann Skyt with this beautiful result. We are very pleased with all these excellent results. ****** on 10th December 2006 has participated the international show in Kassel (D): the female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. She became first in championclass with an Excellent, CAC-VDH / CAC-KFUH and CACIB and the title: "Siegerin Kassel", best female/bitch (BOS). By getting this CACIB in her third country Floriana has got enough points for her International Championtitel and she has to wait until the end of February 2007 to get this titel because of the time which is needed between the points which is required for the international rules of the FCI. ****** on 26th November 2006 has participated on the international Winnershow at Amsterdam (NL) the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo. He became first in youthclass and won the youth-CAC and reserve CAC and also the titel: "Youthwinner 2006". Also he became reserve best male. Also the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated and she became first with an Excellent in Championclass. ****** on 4th November 2006 has participated the international show in Bleiswijk (NL): our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. She became first in openclass with an Excellent and the CAC and CACIB, Best female/bitch and also Best of Breed (BOB). ****** on 29th October 2006 has participated the international show in Utrecht (NL): our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. She became first in openclass with an Excellent and the CAC and CACIB, Best female/bitch and also Best of Breed (BOB). In the ring of honour she has been selected by the best 11 of group I. Because of this CAC she also may put the title: "Dutch Champion" behind her name. ****** on 22th October 2006 has participated for the first time on the show of our local club: KC Venray e.o. (NL) our female/bitch Gyémánt Gésa Fehér Csavargo. She became first with a Very Good in the youthclass and also she became best of breed (BOB). Later on the day in the ring of honour she became 11th in group I. A very good result for such a young girl. ****** on 14th October 2006 has participated one of the biggest international German shows: the Jahrhundertsiegershow in Dortmund (D): the female/bitch Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve (daugter of our bred male Corak Fehér Csavargo). She became first in youthclass with an Excellent and the youth-CAC-VDH. Also she got the title: "Jahrhundertjugendsiegerin 2006". The female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo became first with an excellent in the championclass with CAC-VDH / CAC-KVD and CACIB so she became best female with the title: "Jahrhundertsiegerin 2006". Because of this CACIB the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo she also may put the title: "International Champion" behind her name. ****** on 13th October 2006 has participated one of the biggest international German shows: the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund (D): the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo. He became second in youthclass with an Excellent and the reserve youth-CAC-VDH. The female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo became first with an excellent in the championclass with CAC-VDH and CAC-KF. ****** on 30th September 2006 has participated the international show in Maastricht (NL): the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. He became first in openclass with an Excellent and the CAC and CACIB, Best male and because of this CAC he also may put the title: "Dutch Champion" behind his name. ****** on 24th September 2006 has participated the Kuvaszspecialty of the German Club KF in Rheurdt (D): the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. He became first in openclass with an Excellent and CAC-VDH and CAC-KF and best male. ****** on 17th September 2006 has participated the Kuvaszspecialty of the German Club KFUH in Lienen (D): the male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo. He became first in youthclass with an Excellent and the youth-CAC. The female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo also became first with an excellent in the championclass. ****** on 1st of September 2006 we had to say farewel with pain in our harts to our beloved Alany Fehér Csavargo. Dear Alany, You have had a long and pleasant life with us Suddenly you were not there anymore No suffering, no pain We are greatful to have had you around for so many years
"Dear Alany, rest in peace". ******* on 19th August 2006 has participated the international show in Mechelen (B): the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. He became first in openclass with an Excellent and the CAC and CACIB, Best male and Best of Breed (BOB). ****** on 6th August 2006 has participated the national show in Leuven (B): the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. He became first in openclass with Very Good. ****** op 23th July 2006 we have participated the large international show in Luik (B): de female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo became first in championclass with an Excellent and CAC / CACIB, best female/bitch and also she became best of breed (BOB). The daughter of Cigány Asszony's brother Corak Fehér Csavargo; Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve, she became best youthdog and she also was rewarded with an Excellent. At the end of the day in the ring of honour something happened what almost never happens for the breed Kuvasz and we therefor also did not expected. Cigány Asszony became third best shepherddog (FCI-group I) of the whole show. This was an amazing and wonderful result, we are very proud of this result. ****** on 16th July 2006 we have participated the show in Lokeren (B): the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. He became first in openclass with an Excellent and the CAC, Best male and Best of Breed (BOB) and our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo became also first with a Very Good. Fenseg has enough points already for the Belgium Championtitel and has to wait until half of April 2007 to get this titel because of the time which is needed between the points which is required in Belgium. ****** on 8th July 2006 we have participated the show in La Louvière (B): the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo. He became first in openclass with a Very Good and our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo became also first with an Excellent and the CAC, Best female/bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). Floriana has enough points already for the Belgium Championtitel and has to wait until the end of February 2007 to get this titel because of the time which is needed between the points which is required in Belgium. ****** on 24th June 2006 we have participated the biggest Show in Belgium: the Winnershow in Brussels. Our kennel got 2 new titles; the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo became first with an Excellent in openclass and the double CAC and CACIB and he became best male. Our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo became also first in openclass with an Excellent and also the double CAC and CACIB and she became best female and Best of Breed. The both may write the titel: "BELGUM WINNER" behind their names. ******* on 23th June 2006 we received de results of the shoulder investigation for OCD from Germany of our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. She has been rewarded free so we are very happy to receive a result like this. ******* on 18th juni 2006 our female Floriana Fehér Csavargo participated for the first time a breitensportgame on "the Incredable Dog Challenge" at Sevenum (NL). Breitensport is a sort of agility but with more parts or levels, 4 in total; an obidiencepart, a hurdle-race, a slalom-race and the breitenparcours. The participants came from Belgium, Germany and Holland. Floriana did a wonderful job because she got a third place in the beginnersgroup which is an excellent result for a beginner. Hopefully she wil get more excellent results in the future. ******* on 11th June 2006 the 25 Year Jubilea Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvaszclub (KVN) took place. 35 Kuvasz were entered and judge was Mr. Roger Vanhoenacker from Belgium. We received wonderful results on the dogs which have been bred by our kennel: the young male Gyerek Balu Fehér Csavargo became best malepuppy wit a "Very Promising"; the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo became first with an Excellent in Championclass and also became reserve best male; the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo got third with a Very Good in openclass because he was unfortunally much too thick. With the females/bitches we had the following results: Floriana Fehér Csavargo got also a Very Good in openclass because she was limping at her legs, furthermore she was having an excellent judgingreport; Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo got first with an Excellent in Championclass and became reserve best female/bitch; our old lady Alany Fehér Csavargo became first with an Excellent in veteranclass and furthermore she became best veteran of the show. Also she got her second point for the new Dutch Veteranchampiontitel. And if it was nog enough already: 4 of our offspring which are owned by other well known kennels were also very succesful: Andrassy and his sister Aranka (Father: Ajandék Branco A Gazdaság Ról x Mother: Birka Fehér Csavargo), both became second with an Excellent in openclass; in de youngdogclass the female/bitch Csinuska v.d. Jonge Hindrikhoeve (Father: Campino vom Lagerfeld x Mutter: Csárda Fehér Csavargo) became first with an Excellent and last but not least: youthclass female/bitch Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve (Father: Corak Fehér Csavargo x Mother: Csenna von den Grossen Strolchen) became with her 13 ½ months of young age first with an Excellent, Best Female/Bitch and Best of Breed (BOB).Geweldige mooie resultaten. Phatastic results. ******* on 8th June 2006 we received de results of the ED investigation (elbows) of our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. She has been rewarded free on all levels which is wonderful and the highest you can get. So we are very happy to receive a result like this. ******* on 25th May 2006 our oldest female/bitch Alany Fehér Csavargo has participated the national show "Joe Kat Show" at Lelystad (NL). Alany became first with an excellent in the veteranclass and she also became best Veteran and she got her first point for the veteranchampiontitel in Holland. Also Alany became second best Veteran in show. Furthermore mentionable was that her greatgrandchild Angyalka Aliz van de Viersenhoeve (father: Corak Fehér Csavargo x mother: Csenna von den Grossen Strochen) became first with her 13 months of age an excellent in youthclass. She got the Jouth-CAC and the CAC for the Dutch Championtitel. Both females/bitches with excellent results. ******* on 21st May 2006 the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo has participated the show in Wieze (B). Fenseg became first with an Excellent in the youngdogclass and he also got his CAC and the the titel: "Hopkoning 2006". Also he became best of breed (BOB). ******* on 14th May 2006 we have had the litterday of our G-litter. 8 Dogs of this litter were present: the females/bitches Gésa Léany, Gyafa, Gyémánt Gésa, Gyönyöru Kukla, Gyöngy Deva and the males: Gandor, Guus, Gyerek Balu. We have had a wonderful day, we came together and drank coffee and tea with some lovely pasteries and after this we had a very nice walk around the "Leukermeer" which is a very nice lake here in our neighbourhood. After the walk we went to a little cafe/restaurant at the lake and after this we went home to eat together some lovely homemade soup with bred. Everybody was very satisfied. A few pictures of this day are already on the page: "G-litter, born 25th oktober 2005" and more pictures will follow the coming weeks. We hope you enjoy looking at the pictures. ******* on 7th May 2006 the females/bitches Floriana Fehér Csavargo and Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo have participated the hugh international Europasiegershow at Dortmund (Germany). Floriana became second with an excellent in the youngdogclass and Cigány Asszony became first with an excellent in championclass and she also became reserve best female/bitch. ******* on 22nd April 2006 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated a big international show in Lingen (Germany). She became third in championclass with an Excellent. Floriana Fehér Csavargo was entered too but she was not allowed to show in Germany because she was in heat. ******* HIP HIP HOERA 20 000th visitor. today, on the 20th of April 2006 the 20 000th visitor was on our website. Therefore we want to thank everybody who has visited our website during the past years and we also thank those people who have send us a mail from time to time. You are always welcome to visit us. Thanks. ******* on Easternmonday 17th April 2006 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo participated the big international onedayshow in Leeuwarden (Netherlands). Floriana became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and became best female with CAC and CACIB. She is now ready for Dutch Champion but she still has to wait until she is a minimum of 27 months. So she has to wait till at least 5th September 2006. ******* on 9th April 2006 the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo and the female/bitch participated a big international show in Anwerpen (Belgium). Fenseg became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and became best male with CAC and CACIB and Cigány Asszony became second of championclass with an excellent and she became reserve best female with Res. CAC and Res. CACIB. ******* on 2nd April 2006 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo participated a big international show in Leiden (Netherlands). Floriana became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and became best female/bitch with CAC and CACIB and she also became Best of Breed (BOB). ******* on 30th March 2006 we received de results of the HD investigation (hips) of our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo. She has been rewarded with an HD A / Excellent which is wonderful and the highest you can get. So we are very happy to receive a result like this. ******* on 26th March 2006 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated a big international springshow in Luxembourg. She became first in championclass with an Excellent and CACL and because of that she became defenitely a Luxembourg Champion. Now she is allowed to write the title Luxembourg Champion behind her name. ******* on 18th March 2006 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo and her brother Fenseg Fehér Csavargo participated a big international show in Goes (Netherlands). Floriana became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and reserve CAC and CACIB. Fenseg became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and he also got his CAC and CACIB and became best male and Best of Breed (BOB). ******* on 14th March 2006 we had to say farewel with pain in our harts to our beloved Babuschka Fehér Csavargo. Dear Babuschka, you were the best which came into our lifes, you have given us so many beautiful things for which we always be very grateful to you and now you are finally released from your pain, you are free. "Dear Babuschka, rest in peace". ******* on 6th March 2006 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo participated a big international oneday show in Zuidlaren (Netherlands). Floriana became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and she also got her CAC and CACIB and became best female/bitch. ******* on 26th February 2006 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo and her brother Fenseg Fehér Csavargo participated a big international oneday show in Gent (Belgium). Fenseg became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent. Unfortunally he was a little too thick. Floriana became first in youngdogclass with an Excellent and she also got her CAC and CACIB and became best female/bitch. ******* on 2nd January 2006 has died Multi Champion Varász von den Grossen Strolchen. He was born on 17th October 1994 and he also was the father of our Babuschka and also of our B-litter. He will live further in his offspring which is spread all over the world. "Dear Varász, Rest in Peace". "You will stay in our memories for ever". 17-10-1994 - 02-01-2006 ******* end of December 2005 all puppies of the G-litter have found a new home. Only a few of them have to stay a little bit longer before they can leave for their new owners. Pictures of these puppies you can see at our page: Photo-Albums: "G-litter, born on 25th October 2005". ******* on 5th December 2005 the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo became first in championclass with an excellent, he became best male with CAC / CACIB and he also got the Winnertitel 2005. ******* on 13th November 2005 the Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvasz Club took place. From 31 Kuvasz who were entered on this show, 6 of them were bred by our kennel. The results were wonderfull: openclass males: 2nd with an Exellent became Django Fehér Csavargo (son of Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Abydos vom Weissen Wirbelwind) and in the same classe 4th with an Excellent the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo (son of Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Django Demon Egymasra Talaltunk). In the youngdogclass males became 1st with an Excellent Frodo Séregon Fehér Csavargo (son of Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Mattiaci Stratus Symbol). In the youthclass males became 1st with an Excellent his brother Fenseg Fehér Csavargo (son of Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Mattiaci Stratus Symbol). With the females in openclass became 2nd with an Excellent Csárda Fehér Csavargo (daughter of Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Django Demon Egymasra Talaltunk) and 4th with an Excellent became Eger Alanyom Fehér Csavargo (daughter of Betyar von den Grossen Strolchen and Alany Fehér Csavargo). Also 4 of the 6 puppies were offspring from our kennel en so we are proud to mention that Also White van de Viersenhoeve (son of Csenna von den Grossen Strolchen and Corak Fehér Csavargo) became most promising dog of the show. And finally last but not least the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo became Best Male and Best of Breed and Clubwinner KVN 2005. A wonderfull result for a male of 17 months of age. ******* on 25th and 26th October 2005 our female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo gave birth to 5 males and 7 females. She did a phantastic job. The father of the puppies is Edelény-kerti Nimrod. Pictures of this litter you can see on our page: "Photo-album G-litter, born 25th October 2005". ******* on 23th September 2005 we have visited our vetrinarian and he confirmed us that Babuschka Fehér Csavargo is definitely pregnant and she will expect her puppys end of October 2005. ******* on 18th September 2005 the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo became first in openclass with an excellent, CAC / CACIB on the international at Maastricht (the Netherlands). She also became best of breed (BOB) on because of her fourth CAC he became today his definitive titel "DUTCH CHAMPION". ******* on 11th September 2005 we have celebrated our 10 yearly breederjubilee. More than 60 dogs and more than 150 people have celebrated with us. The wether was perfect and everybody was enthousiastic. Incase you want to see more impressions of our day you can look at our page: 10 yearly breederjubilee 11th September 2005. ******* on 24th August 2005 we travelled to Hungary and on 25th and 27th August 2005 our female Babuschka Fehér Csavargo has been mated by the male Edelény-kerti Nimrod. Everything went fine. We expect the puppies to be born round 27th October 2005. ******* on 20th August 2005 we have done the first bloodtest on progesteron on our female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo to look whether she was ready to be mated. She alrady came into heat on 10th of August and she will be mated the coming week and therefor we will travel to Hungary to let her mate by the male Edelény-kerti Nimrod. ******* in August 2005 we received the HD-result of the male Élénk Rablö Fehér Csavargo who lives in England. He got rewarded by left 6 / right 6 which is almost an excellent result. This English rewardingsystem is quit different than ours. But 0 on one side is the best and 53 on one side is the worst. ******* on 3th July 2005 the brothers Cartouche and Corak Fehér Csavargo have participated the national CAC-show in Echt (NL). Corak became second in openclass with an Excellent and Reserve CAC. Cartouche became first in openclass with an Excellent and CAC and also Best of Breed (BOB). ******* HIP HIP HOERA on 23th June 2005 have been born 12 puppies: 6 males and 6 females out of the combination Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo and Campino vom Lagerfeld. Mother and puppies are dong fine. ******* op 12th June 2005 the female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has had her examination for the behaviourcourse Base-2 with our local dog training club. On the 14th June 2005 we have been told that she passed the exame and they gave us a beautiful diplome. Up to the next course. ******* June 2005: we have found a beautiful male for our female/bitch Babuschka's next and last litter. His name is Edelény Kerti Nimrod and he comes from Hungary. Incase you are interested in more information about this combination please look at our page: Future / Breedingplans 2005. ******* on 23th May 2005 the vetrinarian confirmed that the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo is pregnant. The father is the male Campino vom Lagerfeld. The puppies wil be expected around 25th May 2005. ******* all puppies of the combination Csárda Fehér Csavargo and Campino vom Lagerfeld have found good homes. ******* on 14th May 2005 the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo has participated the international show in Arnheim (NL). He became first in openclass with an Excellent and Best male (BOS) with CAC and CACIB. ******* on 8th Mai 2005 we found a new home for the male Dear Django Fehér Csavargo. Therefor we are very greatful to Martine, Roger and their children for given Dear Django a new chance and we hope he will get very old with them. ******* on 6th May 2005 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has participated the Europasiegershow in Dortmund (D). She became second in Youthclass with a Very Good and she also got the reserve Youth-CAC. An Excellent is never given with most of the German judges. ******* on 26th April 2005 have been born 4 males and 4 females out of the combination Csenna von den Grossen Strolchen and Corak Fehér Csavargo. Mother and puppies are dong fine. ******* on 24th and 25th April 2005 has been mated the female/bitch Cigány Fehér Csavargo by the male Campino vom Lagerfeld. The puppies will be expected around 25th June 2005. ******* on 16th April 2005 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has participated the show in Antwerpen (B). She became second in openclass with an excellent and she became reserve best female/bitch with Res. CAC and Res. CACIB. ******* on 10th April 2005 our female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has made her entrance on her first international show in Goes (NL). She became first with an excellent in youthclass and also Best Bitch. Than she had to compete against the best male and she won and became Best of Breed (BOB). ******* on 28th March 2005 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo became first in openclass with an excellent, CAC / CACIB on the international Easternshow at Leeuwarden (the Netherlands). She also became best of breed (BOB) on because of her fourth CAC she became today definitive "DUTCH CHAMPION". ******* on 21st March 2005 the vetrinarian confirmed that the female/bitch Csenna von den Grossen Strolchen is pregnant. The father is the male Corak Fehér Csavargo. The puppies wil be expected around 27th April 2005. ******* on 19th March 2005 the male Fenseg Fehér Csavargo has made his entrance on his first show at Wieze (B). He became first with an Excellent in youthclass and also best Youthdog. He also got the titel: "Hopprins 2005". An excellent result. ******* on 7th March 2005 de females/bitches Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo and Evita Bjéla Fehér Csavargo and the male Fidelio Aramis Fehér Csavargo have participated the international show in Zuidlaren (NL). Fidelio Aramis and Evita Bjéla both made their entrance on this show and Fidelio Aramis was in the youthclass on age of 9 months and became first with a Very Good and Evita Bjéla was in openclass and she became second with a Very Good. Cigány Asszony became first in openclass and she got an excellent and also the CAC and CACIB and final she became Best of Breed (BOB). Later on the day Fidelio Aramis and Evita Bjéla both participated the coppleclass with their owner.
******* on 23th and 25th February 2005 the female/bitch Csenna von den Grossen Strolchen has been mated by the male Corak Fehér Csavargo. The puppies wil be expected around 27th April 2005. ******* on 20th February 2005 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has been participating the international show at Hoogstraaten (Belgium). She became second in openclass with an excellent and she also got Reserve CAC and Reserve CACIB. ******* HIP HIP HOERA 10 000th visitor. on 16th February 2005 we got the 10 000th visitor on our website. Therefor we want to thank everybody who has visited our website during the past years and we also thank those people who have send us a mail from time to time. You are welcome to keep doing that. Thanks. ******* on 14th February 2005: 2 males and 6 females have been born out of the combination Csárda Fehér Csavargo and Campino vom Lagerfeld. Mother and puppies are dong fine. ******* on 23th February the female/bitch Csenna von den Grossen Strolchen has been mated by the male Corak Fehér Csavargo. The puppies wil be expected around 26th April 2005. ******* on 12th February the female/bitch Charisma Fehér Csavargo has participated an international show in Fredericia on Jutland (Denemark) and she got her CAC / CACIB and she became best female and also Best of Breed (BOB). ******* on 29th January 2005 the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo and the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo have participated the show in Eindhoven (NL). Cartouche finished first in openclass with a Very Good and Cigány Asszony finished first in openclass with an Excellent, CAC / CACIB and BOB (= Best of Breed). ******* on 19th January 2005 Corak Fehér Csavargo has had his official eye-examination for PRA and other parts and the result was found: PRA free. ******* HIP HIP HOERA on 12th January 2005the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo has visited the vetrinairian and they confirmed that Csárda Fehér Csavargo is pregnant and she will expect her puppys around 15th February 2005. ******* on 9th January 2005 the female/bitch Floriana Fehér Csavargo has made her entrance on her first show at the Clubmatch of KC Waalwijk in the Netherlands. She was resulted: Most Promising and also she became: Best Puppie. An excellent result. ******* on 7th January 2005 the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo has had his official eye-examination for PRA and other parts and the result was found: PRA free. ******* on 15th December 2004 has been mated the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo, HD A (Excellent) by the male Campino vom Lagerfeld, HD A (Excellent). The puppies will be expected half of February 2005. ******* on 12th December 2004 severall Puppies of our F-litter have visited us for a phantastic walk. The males Filou and Fenseg and the females/bitches Fresca and Floriana were present as well as their mother Babuschka. Impressions of this day you can admire on our page Family-album F-litter. We hope you enjoy watching the pictures. ******* on 2nd December 2004 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo, HD A (Excellent) came into heat. She will be mated in the comming weeks by the male Campino vom Lagerfeld, HD A (Excellent). The puppies will be expected end of February 2005. ******* on 24th November 2004 we received the HD result of the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo. He has been rewarded with an HD A (Excellent) and Norbergvalue 35 with no Bonefailure at all. This is an excellent result regarding to his age of 4 years. ******* on Saturday 20th November 2004 the male Betyar Fehér Csavargo has found a new home. We are very happy that we have found new owners for him. His former owners have been emigrated and unfortunally were not able to take him with them. We hope that the new owners will have a lot of fun and joy with him and we hope that he can stay there forever. ******* on Saturday 23th Oktober 2004 the kuvaszspecialty from the Dutch Kuvasz Club (KVN) in Hattem took place. The judge was Mrs. Willemien van Deijl from Belgium en there were 30 entries. From these 30 Kuvasz there were 6 Kuvasz present bred by our kennel, the males Corak (Openclass: 4 Excellent), Cartouche (Openclass: 2 Excelent and Reserve best male) and Drágám Dirk (Youngdogclass: 3 Very Good) and the females/bitches Cigany Asszony (Openclass: 1 Excellent and Reserve best female), Csárda (2 Excellent) and Eger Alanyom (Youngdogclass: 2 Excellent). Further there were 5 more children of females bred by us (Ajka, Aranka and Andrassy, daughters and son of Birka and Barusz and Brandy, sons of Csárda). All five entered in Youthclass. Ajka (daughter of Birka) became most promising female until 24 months and Barusz (son of Csárda) became most promising male until 24 months and most promising dog of the show. ******* on 22nd October 2004 we received the HD result of the male Drágám Dirk Fehér Csavargo. He has been rewarded with an HD A (HD Excellent) and Norbergvalue 40 with no Bonefailure at all. This is the best result in the Netherlands you can get. ******* on 21st September 2004 all puppies of our F-litter from Babuschka Fehér Csavargo en Mattiaci Stratus Symbol found a new home. Therefor there are no puppies available anymore of this combination. ******* on 19th September 2004 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has made her entrance on her first show at the Kuvaszspecialty of the German Kuvaszclub: KVD in Rheurdt (Germany). She became second in openclasse with an Excellent and also she got the Res. CAC-KVD and reserve best female. An excellent result.
Left: Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo and right: Campino vom Lagerfeld on 15th September 2004 in the kennel of the Familie van Viersen has been mated the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo, HD B by the male Campino vom Lagerfeld, HD A. The puppies will be expected around 17th November 2004. More information will follow soon. ******* on 28th August 2004 has made the female/bitch Eger Alanyom Fehér Csavargo her entrance on her first show at Ahoy in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). On age of 15 months she got first with an Excellent in the Youngdogclass and also she was fortunate to get her first CAC and CACIB. These are the points for national and international champion. And finally she became BOB (Best of Breed).
******* Did you knew that ............. on 19th September 2004 the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo has made her entrance on her first show at the Kuvaszspecialty of the German Kuvaszclub: KVD in Rheurdt (Germany). She became second in openclasse with an Excellent and also she got the Res. CAC-KVD and reserve best female. An excellent result. on 15th September 2004 in the kennel of the Familie van Viersen has been mated the female/bitch Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo, HD B by the male Campino vom Lagerfeld, HD A. The puppies will be expected around 17th November 2004. on 28th August 2004 the female/bitch Eger Alanyom Fehér Csavargo has made her entrance on her first show at Ahoy in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). On age of 15 months she got first with an Excellent in the Youngdogclass and also she was fortunate to get her first CAC and CACIB. These are the points for national and international champion. And finally she became BOB (Best of Breed). on 18th August 2004 we received the HD result of the female Cigány Asszony Fehér Csavargo. We are very happy that she got a HD-B. As soon as a suitable partner has been found for her she will be bred with her next heat. This can happen any moment now. on 22nd July 2004 in the kennel of the Familie Hebben Drágám Dirk Fehér Csavargo became father of 4 females. The mother is Csinos Bo Iwancinkirisz. on 5th June 2004 within kennel: Fehér Csavargo: 7 males and 2 females have been born out of the combination Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Mattiaci Stratus Symbol. Mother and puppies are dong fine. on 3th May 2004 we have visited our vetrinairian and he confirmed us that Babuschka Fehér Csavargo is pregnant and she will expect her puppys end of May / early June 2004. on 14th April 2004 the female Bodri Fehér Csavargo has died. We are very sad about the loss and we wish the owners a lot of strength for the future. on 29th and 31st March and on 4th and 5th April 2004 has been mated in California (USA) Babuschka Fehér Csavargo by the male Mattiaci Stratus Symbol. She will expect her puppies end of May / beginning of June 2004. on 24th March 2004 the male Élénk Rablö Fehér Csavargo has finally moved and left us for going to his new home in Northallerton (Great Brittain). early March 2004 all puppys of Birka and Branco have found a new home. Therefor there are no puppys available anymore of this combination. on 5th February 2004 the puppys have been born out of the combination Corak Fehér Csavargo and Catinka vom Lagerfeld at the Kuvasz-kennel: Vom Lagerfeld in Germany. She gave birth to 3 males and 6 females. Mother and puppys are doing fine. on 30th January 2004 the male Cartouche Fehér Csavargo has made his first entrance on the show in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. He became second in the openclass with an Excellent. He also got the Res. CAC and Res. CACIB. This was a wonderful result for the first time being on a show. on 19th January 2004 we had to say farwel to our dear and beloved companian Yaisha vom Felsenmeer with pain in our harts. She almost was 11 years old. She will stay in our harts and our memories for ever. IN MEMORIAM YAISHA VOM FELSENMEER 19-02-1993 / 19-01-2004 half of December 2003 all puppys of Csárda and Abydos have found a good home. Therefor there are no puppys available anymore of this combination. on 8th December 2003 the male Corak Fehér Csavargo has been mating for the first time and he did an excellent job. The female he mated is the female Catinka von Lagerfeld from Kuvasz-kennel: "Von Lagerfeld" from Germany. The puppys will be expected around February 9th, 2004. on 24th November 2003, the puppys have been born out of the combination Birka Fehér Csavargo and Ajándék A Gazdaság Rol. She gave birth to 4 males and 6 females. Mother and puppys are doing fine. on 26th October 2003 the male Drágám Dirk Fehér Csavargo has made his first entrance on the show of our local kynological club and he became first with an excellent in the youthclass and best of breed (BOB). At the end of that day he became 10th in the group. on 17th October 2003 the female Babuschka Fehér Csavargo became first with an excellent in the championclass of the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund (Germany). She got her last point for her titel: "Clubchampion KVD". on 6th October 2003, the puppys have been born out of the combination of Csárda Fehér Csavargo and Abydos vom Weissen Wirbelwind. She gave birth to 4 males and 1 female. on 4th October 2003 on the kuvaszspecialty at Lengerich (Germany) of the German Kuvaszclub: Kuvaszfreunde the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo became first with an excellent in the championclass. She became best female and later on the day she also became best of breed (BOB). 34 Kuvasz were entered on this show. The male Élénk Rablö Fehér Csavargo was introduced to the public and he got himselfe a future very promising judgingraport. on 23th and 24th September 2003 hat been mated the female/bitch Birka Fehér Csavargo by the male Ajándék A Gazdaság Rol. The puppys will be expected around end of November 2003. on 30th August 2003 Cartouche Fehér Csavargo has found a new owner. Also we do hope that he can stay there for the rest of his life.
on August 6th and 7th, 2003 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo has been mated by the male Abydos vom Weissen Wirbelwind en dat she will be expecting her puppies early October 2003. end of July 2003 the puppies from our Alany and Betyar have found new homes. The females Evita Bjéla Fehér Csavargo and Eger Alanyom Fehér Csavargo we hope to welcome both on the shows in the Netherlands and abroad. Evita Bjéla Fehér Csavargo has gone to a Kuvaszbreeder who wants to start with new bloodlines again in the future. The male Egor Fehér Csavargo stayed in the Netherlands and the male Élénk Rablö Fehér Csavargo will be exported to England end of March / early April 2004. He hopes to do his entrance also on the shows and later on he hopes to come into breeding as well. A lot of pictures of all these puppies you can look at our webpage: "Family-album E-litter" and also on the webpage "Album of Élénk Rablö Fehér Csavargo". We hope you enjoy looking at it. on 6th July 2003 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo became Best female (BOS) on the Kuvaszspecialty of the KFUH kept in Esslingen (Germany). She received the title: "Winner Esslingen" and she also became definitive: "German Champion KFUH". on 5th and 6th July 2003 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo will participate with her owner on a kynological weekend in Germany. And that they also will participate the 2 yearly Kuvaszspecialty of the KFUH (German Kuvaszclub for Hungarian Dogs) at Esslingen (Germany) on July 6th. The judge will be Mrs. Ingrid Weininger from Germany. We are very interested in the newcommers of males, familylines, etc. on 2nd July 2003 we received the HD result of the female Birka Fehér Csavargo. Despite her age of almost 5 years she still is rewarded with HD A. You can imagine that we are very pleased and satisfied about this excellent result. in the summer of 2003 hopefully de females/bitches Csárda Fehér Csavargo and Birka Fehér Csavargo both intend to start their carrier as mothers. We already found severall partners for both of them but still has to be decided by the owners which partner it will finally be. on 1st June 2003 the Kuvasz has been judged on the Worldchampionshow at the Westfalenhallen at Dortmund, Germany. 54 Kuvasz were entered at the show and the judge was Mr. Miklos Levente from Hungary. The female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo participated the championclass and she finished 3th with an excellent and her daughter Csárda Fehér Csavargo has participated openclass and she finished 2nd with an excellent. on 24th May 2003 the puppys have been born out of combination of Alany Fehér Csavargo and Betyar von den Grossen Strolchen. She gave birth to 2 males and 2 females. on 4th May 2003 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo became first in openclass with an excellent on the show at Goes (the Netherlands). She also became best of breed (BOB) on became definitive: "Dutch Champion." on 25th April 2003 we have visited our vetrinairian and he confirmed us that the female/bitch Alany Fehér Csavargo is pregnant and she will expect puppys end of May 2003. on 21st April 2003 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo became first in openclass with an excellent on the Easternshow at Leeuwarden (the Netherlands). She also became best of breed (BOB). on 2nd March 2003 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo became first in the openclass on the show in Zuidlaren (the Netherlands). Unfortunally she only got a Very Good because the judge found her much to thick. Now her owner is working on it to get her thinner so she will compete again in the next shows. on 5th December 2002 5 males have been born out of the combination of Babuschka Fehér Csavargo and Abydos von Weissen Wirbelwind. on 24th November 2002 the female/bitch Charisma Fehér Csavargo got her definitive Danisch Championship on the age of 25 months. on 31st October 2002 we have visited our vetrinairian and he confirmed us that Babuschka is pregnant and she will expect puppys early December 2002. on 2nd and 4th October 2002 our Babuschka has been mated by the male Abydos von Weissen Wirbelwind. on 15th September 2002 on the Specialshow of the KFUH at Cologne-Godorf (Germany) the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo became best bitch, clubwinner KFUH and Best of Breed (BOB). pictures of the Worldchampionshow of July and pictures of the Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvaszclub of June are to be seen on the website of Babuschka's daughter Csárda on the website: also the website of Corak has been introduced on the internet: on 6th July 2002 Worldchampiondogshow at Amsterdam the male Corak Fehér Csavargo became first in the youngdogclass and also he became the Reserve CACIB (Reserve Worldchampion). Also on the same show the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo became first in the youngdogclass and the female/bitch Bodri Fehér Csavargo became first in the openclass. Bodri also became the Reserve CACIB (Reserve Worldchampion). Babuschka Fehér Csavargo became second in the championclass. from 4th till 7th 2002 the Worldchampionshow will be kept in the Rai at Amsterdam and that 47 Kuvasz are entered. On July 6, 2002 Mr. Rafael Malo Alcrudo from Spain has been judging the Kuvasz at the Amstelhal. on 25th June 2002 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo got her certificate agility-1 and also turned out to be "best of all groups" of the springseason of agility-1. on 8th June 2002 the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo became Clubwinner and best in show on the Champion Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvasz Club: KVN. At this same show the female/bitch Bodri Fehér Csavargo became reserve best bitch and the male Corak Fehér Csavargo became first in the youngdogclass. on 19th May 2002 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo got her definitive "German Championship" at the international show at Saarbrücken. on 9th May 2002 the male Corak and the female/bitch Csárda Fehér Csavargo made their first entrance on the show at Leiden: the Joe Kat Show in the Netherlands and Corak became best male and Csárda best bitch and Best of Breed (BOB). on 4th May 2002 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo got her "Europasiegertitel" at Dortmund in Germany. on March 7, 8, 9, 10, 23 and 24, 2002 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo got her definitive "American Championship" on shows in San Antionio, Texas and Lake City, Florida. on 16th February 2002 the female/bitch Babuschka Fehér Csavargo got her definitive "Belgium Championship" on the international show at Hoogstraaten in Belgium. on 3th February 2002 the female/bitch Bodri Fehér Csavargo got her definitive "Dutch Championship" on the international show at Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 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