Hello, I am Coby van Kessel and at this moment I live
with my two Kuvaszgirls Floriana and Írisz Jázmin in the province of
Limburg in the Netherlands in a little village called Wellerlooi beside the
river the Maas, in the middle of a very beautiful Nature Reserve:
called: "Maasduinen". |

Nature park:
"Maasduinen" |

Nature park:
"Reindersmeer" |

Nature park:
"Bergerheide" |
How the first
Kuvasz came into my life was rather a funny story. I had to decide for
the new pet,
wether I prefered a bird or a dog! Because the earlier birds
have bitten and damaged all the plants and made always a lot of mess in
the house, I decided for a puppy. But which breed? The choice was
between a
Maremma or a Kuvasz. At that time I did not knew anything about the Dutch
Kennelclub or any clubs for any breeds. So due to the newspaper the
first Kuvasz came into my life in
the sommer of 1991. And than the Kuvaszstory began! |
In 1991 the first Kuvaszfemale came and her name was "Maxime". When
the interest came into breeding, it seemed that
unfortunally she was not suitable for breeding at all. So when she was 2 years
old, the decision came for another Kuvaszpuppy. The second Kuvasz, called "Yaisha",
came as a puppy of 8 weeks and she was imported from Germany. |
(18-05-1991 / 28-03-2003)
/ 19-01-2004) |
The decision was made in 1995 to follow some of the offered canine studies courses, known as KK-I and KK-II in Holland, at the local dog training club to
learn more about
about reproduction, genetics, anatomy, physiology, cell biology, food
science, behaviour, movement, dog breeds, etc.
After both canine courses I went to the ‘advanced’ course of ‘Dog structure and analysis
of movement’ which leads up to becoming a judge. Not only that but increasing
your knowledgement for the
future is very important so I have visited and
keep visiting symposia
and lectures concerning behaviour, food, breeding, juridical aspects, etc.
Also regularly
I visit shows here and abroad due to my interest in the breed and also to look
the new generations, new bloodlines and maybe discover new candidates for
breeding! |
Together with an Hungarian friend from the village I used to life in the name of
the kennel was
invented. Finally the decision was made for the name:
is Hungarian for “white rascal”.
After looking in several countries all over Europe for a suitable mate for Yaisha
a young Hungarian male was found. In November 1995 the first litter was
born: 3 males and 5 females/bitches. Out
of this litter a beautiful compact builded and breedtypical female/bitch stayed.
Her name was: “Alany”. |

with her A-litter |
Alany, 9 weeks
Alany grew up to become a female/bitch of excellent quality. She
participated several shows and clubshows in Holland and further afield until
suitable breeding partner was found for her first litter. In the summer of 1998 Alany
gave birth to her first litter: 1
male and 6 females/bitches. This was the second litter: B-litter. From this litter a
very special female/bitch was chosen to stay because of her
temperament and character and beauty! Her name was: “Babuschka”. In 1999 Alany
has been rewarded with the final titles for Dutch
and International Champion. |


with her B-litter |
Babuschka, 13 weeks
In the summer of 1999 Yaisha unfortunally developed a severe infection, two weeks after being mated.
Due to this
problem she was unable to have any
more puppies. In August of that same year the decision was made for a male to
come and join. His name
“Betyar”. |
10 weeks |
Betyar has been imported from Germany and he turned out to grown up till a
hugh, sweet and harmonious builded male. |
4 years
the mean time Babuschka became a female/bitch of excellent quality and she
also became extremely succesful on shows. No less than on age of almost 11 months she already
became two times Best of Breed on big shows here and abroad and also one time Best Youthdog of the show! In
October 2000 she gave birth to her first fantastic litter: 4 males and 6
bitches. From this litter 3 females (Csitri, Charisma and Csárda) went to breeders
which 2 bitches have been exported to the USA and Danmark to start up new
bloodlines. In the meantime also the owners of a fourth daughter: Cigány
Asszony started breeding. Babuschka's daughter Csitri in the USA already achieved the
titel of “American
Champion” in 2001 on the age of only 10 months and amazingly in less than 4
months! Also Charisma already achieved her titel for “Danisch Champion”
in 2002. Csárda became "Clubwinner" and BIS in 2002 on the
Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvaszclub (KVN) on the age of only 20 months. And she also achieved
her Titel for "Dutch Champion" in 2003. Cigány Asszony just started end of
2004 her showcarrier and she achieved the titel of "Dutch Champion" already
in March 2005. Also Babuschka's son
Corak had achieved a major win, he became first in the intermediateclass and Reserve
Worldchampion on age of only 21 months. Not only the showresults were very good.
Also the healthresults of HD (= hips) were rewarded in the meantime and very
pleased about the beautiful results of Csárda, Corak and Cartouche, which have
been rewarded with HD A (Excellent) and Charisma and Cigány Asszony with HD B (Very Good). Also Babuschka became to be a grandmother
several times. Csárda gave birth to: 4 males and 1 female on 6th of October 2003 / 2 males and 6
females on 14th February 2005 and 2 males and 5 females on 17th March 2007. Also Corak became a father
of 3 males and 6 females on 4th February 2004 and of 4 males and 4 females on 26th
April 2005. Cigány
Asszony gave birth to: 6 males and 6 females on 23th June 2005 / 7 males and 1
female on 12th March 2007 and 4 males and 8 females on 4th April 2008. Two males
of these litters have been exported to the US and their offspring already has been
spread over the US and Canada. |

with her C-litter |
Charisma, Csitri and
10 weeks |
After Babuschka’s recovery from her first litter she became amazingly succesfull. And from which
anybody only could dream of became reality! My first selfbred “WORLDCHAMPION”. On 8th
June 2001 at the city Porto in Portugal Babuschka achieved this Championship.
But not only that, she also became the Beautifulst Kuvasz of the World: Best of
Breed (BOB). This was only the beginning of the successes which followed up that
same year. Many titles followed: “International Champion”, “Dutch
Champion”, “Luxemburg Champion”, “Beneluxwinner 2001”, “Clubwinner
PPHA Kuvasz 2001”, “Amsterdam Winner 2001” and “Brussels Winner 2001”.
Her latest successes within 2002 were the titles of "Belgium Champion" and very proud that during
the visit to Babuschka's daughter Csitri in the
USA during the month March of 2002 Babuschka finished within 4 shows to become "American
Champion". It was a very difficult competition, the first 4 shows between
45 and 51 Kuvasz were entered at the shows. She became at all 6 shows first in openclass and further: 2 times Reserve Winner, 1 time Best of Winners, 1 time
Best of Opposit Sex and 2 times Best of Breed. Also she became "Europasiegerin
2002", which is the titel on the biggest show in Germany; Dortmund and she
got her final titel for: "German VDH Champion". |

She also turned out to be
an excellent agilitydog. End of June she got her first certificate for agility-1
and she turned out to be best of all groups of agility-1. So
a Kuvasz also can be an excellent working dog. |
with her D-litter |
D-litter 7 ˝ weeks |
On 5th
of December 2002 Babuschka became mother for the second of 9 males from which 5 males
stayed alive. Some of them were shown on a specialty and other shows. In the mean
time Drágám Dirk had been rewarded for the healthresults of his hips (HD) and he
was rewarded with HD A (Excellent). Also he
became a father of 4 females in July 2004. Pictures of the dogs of the
D-litter you can see at the page: "Family-album D-litter".
On 24th of May 2003 the unexpected happened: Alany on age of 7 ˝
years got her second litter (E-litter) after 5 years giving birth to her
first litter (B-litter). Also Babuschka is from this first litter. The father was my male Betyar. Alany showed herselfe again to be a wonderfull mother so
it was a great joy to see this beautiful present. And also it was wonderfull to see Betyar once as a

with E-litter, second day after birth
Because there was severall
interest from abroad for the puppies of the E-litter the choice had been made to
bring Élénk Rablö to England. He
did his first show in juniorclass and he became Best of Breed. Élénk Rablö
already has become 2 times a father in 2005 and Evita Bjéla got a litter which
unfortunally was not planned also in 2005.
Pictures of
the E-litter you can see on the page: "Family-album E-litter".
In the spring of 2004 a litter had been planned with Multi
Champion Babuschka Fehér Csavargo. Babuschka flew to California to meet her stud. And
so she gave birth to a beautiful litter of 7 males and 2
females on the 5th June 2004.
with F-litter |
Floriana |
From this litter a very nice female
stayed especially chosen for her
temperament and character (just like her mother Babuschka). Her name is "Floriana".
already maneged to become Best of Breed on age of 10 months and also she got her first
point for the Dutch Championtitel. In the meantime she grew up to be a female of excellent quality and
she also became very succesful on shows. She has been rewarded with the titles: "Dutch
Champion", "Belgium Champion", "Luxembourg Champion",
"Belgium Winner 2006", "Siegerin Kassel 2006", "Hopqueen
2007" and "Crufts Winner 2007". Also a few males of this litter
were on shows. The male Fenseg won on age of 17 months Best of
Breed (BOB) on the Kuvaszspecialty of the Dutch Kuvaszclub (KVN) in 2005 and he may call himselfe
"Clubwinner KVN 2005". Also he became best male (BOS) on the German
Kuvaszspecialty of the Kuvasz Freunde (KF) and further he maneged to get the
titles: "Belgian Winner 2006", "Hopprince 2005", "Hopqueen
2006" and "Dutch Champion".
information, pedigrees en
pictures of the F-litter you can see on the page: "Family-album
F-litter" and "Pedigrees of Alany, Babuschka and Floriana". Also
the pictures of the trip to California with Babuschka are available on the page:
"Holidays March / April 2004 in California (USA)".
After a very long time of thinking
the finally decision had been made to do a final
litter with Babuschka. A beautiful Hungarian male was found and on 25th and 26th October
2005 were born: 5 males and 7 females. There was a large number of interested
people from abroad and therefor threequarter of the puppies of this litter went
to: Finland, Switserland, Germany, Belgium and Holland ofcourse.
Healthresults of this litter: Gyémánt Gésa has been rewarded for her
hips as HD B (Very Good) and ED and OCD free. Gyerek Balu has been rewarded with HD A and ED and OCD free and Gésa Leany
also has been rewarded with HD A and OCD free. Gyerek Balu already has achieved
some excellent results on shows. "Jouthwinner" Amsterdam (NL) in 2006
and "Europasieger" Dortmund (D) in 2007. And also he became a father
in Dezember 2009 and in May 2011 for the second time.
pedigrees en pictures of the G-litter you can see on the page: "Family-album
G-litter". Also the pictures of the trip to Hungary with Babuschka are available on the
page: "Holidays Hungary August / September 2005". |
After all of the successes of Alany's daughter Babuschka another success
followed: Alany's other daughter Birka was exrayed on age of 5 years and
rewarded with HD A (Excellent). The owner of Birka planned to do a litter with
her and on 24th of November 2003 a wonderfull litter was born: 4 males and 6
females. From this litter a male, called Allando, has been exported to Danmark and already has
Offspring in most other Scandinavian countries and also in other parts of Europe
as well.
After some time of thinking for a partner for Floriana I came up with a
very beautiful male. So on 2nd of January 2008 she got her first litter; the
H-litter: 7 males and 3 females. There was again a large number of interested
people from abroad and therefor some of the puppies went to: USA, France,
Danmark and Holland. The litter was a beautiful and homogenious litter.
Lelkes, 4 months
Harcos already has
grown up till a beautiful breedtypical male and he already achieved some excellent showresults already on
very young age. On age of 9 months he already became
Best of Breed (BOB) on a hugh international show and last but surely not least he
got himselfe a 6th place in the group! Furthermore he achieved the Titels "Dutch
Junior Champion" and "Dutch Champion" as well. Also Harcos's his healthresults have turned out to be excellent:
HD A (=Excellent), ED free, OCD free and PRA normal/clear (=free). And
also he already has become a father in Juni of 2010 and a second time
one year later in June 2011. |
Hajnalka Jázmin, who lives in Danmark, already has acheaved some beautiful
results on shows by getting two times best female when she was competing in
youthclass. Also the male Huszár Barát, who live in the US with his
grandfather Stratus (father of our female Floriana), also already has achieved
some great results.
information, pedigrees en
pictures of the H-litter you can see on the page: Photo Album: "H-litter,
born on 2nd January 2008".
After a long time the thoughts had risen for a next litter with Floriana.
A beautiful Hungarian male was found so Floriana gave
birth on 15th of July 2009 to a beautiful litter of 11 puppies; 6 males and 5 females. Again lots of inquiries came from all over the world.

with I-litter
Jázmin, 11 Weeks |
Because of the hugh interest for this litter from all over the world 6
of the puppies went outside Holland, nl. to Germany, Belgium and Ukraine.
From this litter a beautiful female stayed: Írisz Jázmin. She grew up to
be a fantastic breedtypical female/bitch. Really amazing! She already
has stepped into her mother's and grandmother's footsteps concerning
showing! In the meantime
she already has achieved beautiful results on shows as a little
puppy. Once she already became 3rd best puppy of the show and one other
time she was picked our for the 5 best puppies of the show. Her sister
Imola Írisz also is very succesful in her country Ukraine and
two of the males Izmos István and Ipoly Imre already have become very
successful as well. |
Jázmin, 4 months |
The success of our Írisz Jázmin already started on very young age. She
already maneged to get the Junior titles: "Dutch Junior Champion", "German
VDH Junior Champion" "Europajugendsiegerin 2010", "Junior Winner 2010"
and also the titel: "Junior Champion KFUH" on the Kuvasspecialty in Lich
of the German Kuvaszklub KFUH in 2010. And also she became Best of Breed
on this same show. This was very amazing for such a young Kuvaszfemale!
Anyhow Írisz Jázmin also managed to achieve 3 Groupplacements in her
very young
life; once she got a third place on a hugh international Show in the
Netherlands. And a second and first place on two Klubshows of
Kynological Klubs. The time she got the first place in the group she also
became seventh Best in
Show! In March 2012 she finally managed to got her Titel for "Dutch Champion".

Jázmin on age of only 10 ˝ months
3th Best in Group I / BIG-3
Her sister Imola Írisz, who went to Ukraďne, also already got several
on young age:
"Junior Champion of Ukrain", "Grand Junior Champion" and "World Junior
Champion 2010". She also has been placed fourth in Group I. Later
on she achieved the titles: Moldavian Champion and Moldavian Grand
Champion, Bulgarian, Romanian en Balkan Champion. Than both
brothers: Ipoly Imre, who lives in Germany, also got the titles: "German
VDH Junior Champion", "German KFUH Junior Champion" and "World Junior
Champion 2010". In March 2012 he also achieved the Titel "International
Champion". Izmos István got the titles: "Dutch Junior Champion",
Luxembourg Junior Champion", "Bundesjugendsieger 2010", "Junior Winner
2010" and the titel "Junior Champion KVD" of the Kuvaszspecialty in
Wilnsdorf of the German Kuvaszklub KVD in 2010.
The first
healthresults of the I-litter are available: Írisz Jázmin has been rewarded
with HD A (= Excellent), ED and OCD free. Her brother Ipoly Imre also
has been rewarded with HD A (= Excellent), ED and OCD free. And
another female of this litter: Imola Írisz has been rewarded with ED B and ED free. |
Jázmin |
More information and lots of beautiful pictures of
this beautiful litter you can see
the page: Photo
Albums: "I-litter,
born on 15th of July 2009".
next litter has been planned for the summer of 2012 with the beautiful
breedtypical female Írisz Jázmin Fehér Csavargo. Puppies will be expected around
14th of July 2012! More information about
this litter you can look at the updated page:

Worldchampion and BOB
the Worldwinnershow at Portugal.
Because of
canine studies diplomes KK-I and KK-II I comply with the latest rules laid down by the Dutch kennelclub
(Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland).
Also member of various breedclubs:
= Kuvasz Club Netherlands
KVD = Kuvasz Club
KFUH = Club for Hungarian
Breeds in Germany
Magyar Ebtenyésztök Országos Egyesülete
KC Venray
e.o. = Local dog
training club.